The Concept Of True God By Liyakat Shah
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
People around the world may be having many questions
in their minds regarding the existence of God. As we human beings have not seen
the Almighty God who is the Creator of this creation. To be honest enough today
we find people worshipping various deities in the form of plants, animals, idols,
sun, moon, fire, water, graves, saints, godly people and so on. But have we
ever tested these deities as too are they real Gods who created this Universe
and all the innumerable livings and non-livings things in this Universe just
think for a while and try to get the logical answer behind it. Mere just by
neglecting the fact and following the same customs and traditions of our fore
fathers is not the solution to our problem. But a through introspection is to
be done as to who is real God who cares, loves, makes and fulfil our desires.
Here is a beautiful test in order to test our deities. In Holy Quran Surah no 112.
The Unity, Sincerity, Oneness Of Allah 1. Say: He is God, the One and Only; 2.
God, the Eternal, Absolute; 3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; 4. And
there is none like unto Him. The above four verses of Holy Quran are the best
of best way to get a clear definition of Almighty God. He is the Almighty God
the One and Only One. He does not have any partners. He is Eternal He is
everlasting and always existing. He is Absolute means free from all
imperfection and is totally complete and perfect. He begetteth not means He
does give birth to anyone nor He begotten means nor He was born by someone. And
there is none like unto Him means He cannot be compared with anyone He is
alone. Thus we find that Allah is the Almighty God who is the Creator of this
Creation. He created all things in the Universe. All the life cycle be it
livings or non-livings on this Earth follow and obey His command, none can escape
from Him, none can be hidden from Him. He knows what is there in our hearts. He
cares and loves all livings and non-livings things. He created huge sky above
us which stands without any support or pillars. He created huge mountains that
stands still He created vast oceans whose water is saline as well as sweet even
if both the waters meets than also He keeps them separated from each other. He
created many countless species in plants, animals, fruits, vegetables and many
more a true example can be traced that some fruits and vegetables grows above
the soil some below the soil some in water. So all his creation varies in terms
of look, appearance, colour, taste, contains and many more things. All fruits
are not alike as they may be very sweet or just sweet, sour, bitter, tasteless,
juicy, creamy, milky, watery, delicious, crunchy and so on. Who has such power
to provide such contains in all eatables. He created all these things for human
beings to satisfy their hunger and also such contains gives desired necessary vigour
and energy to our body. Who taught birds to fly, Who taught fishes to swim, Who
gives rains, Who makes child in mother's womb, Why does day and night change
from time to time still many more questions are there. The answer would be just
it’s the Almighty God Allah Rabbul Izzat who governs all these things in
specific laws He never gets tired. He can be called by different beautiful
melodious names. To know in detail about Him one has to read the Holy Quran
with meaning and understanding to recharge our self. He created humans starting
from Prophet Adam (A.S) He sent His Messengers starting from Prophet Adam (A.S)
till Prophet Mohammad (Peace And Blessings Upon Him) from time to time for the
guidance of humanity. He also gave miracles to Prophets to show His divine
power. Every Prophet that came to the earth spoke about oneness of God He does
not have any son or a daughter He is alone He does not have any partner. His
Mercy and Blessings is very vast He feeds even those people who neglects and never
believes in Him. Rather He gives ample time to come back to the right track. He
never punishes us immediately. He gives lot of time to repent ourselves. He
loves seventy times more than our mother so imagine His mercy. He forgives our
sins even if there is a prick of thorn in our feet. He loves His subjects very
much. Every human being has to gather At The Day Of Judgment and have to give
answers for his beautiful life which He has given to us. Our records of good or
bad deeds would be exposed before Him and shall be either punished or rewarded
by His Mercy. He may forgive all our sins but He may never forgive our those sins
by which we made partners of Him by joining Him with other deities and Gods.
God has kept everything thing in this world in a balance way there is life with
death, day with night, joy with sorrow. No one has the power to go against His
creation. If one has to die than no so ever has the power to save his or her
life at any cost, but if God want a person to live than no one has any power to
kill or harm him or her at any cost. Hence think over about our own God and try
to believe in true God. He is one and and not make His partners. May Almighty
God shower rains of Blessings and Mercy Upon people to follow true religion of
Almighty God Allah
May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy And
Blessings upon me and whole Ummaah and forgive all our minor and major sins and
get a place in Jannatul Firdaus.
Mr. Liyakat