Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fear of God By Liyakat Shah

Fear of God By Liyakat Shah
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Fear an act that makes a person shiver or frightened be it in public or personal and if a person posses such quality of fearing Almighty God than this action would keep him  on the right path of his life and would be benefited in this world as well as the life after his death. Many a times in life a person may get an easy opportunity either to betray someone or to misuse his post or status to be benefited from it, to improve his standard of living but if the so called procedure is rejected by mere on grounds of fear of God than it is a sign of a true believer of God not only by heart by all his means and firm belief.
Many times a person thinks that there is no one to keep a watch on his personal movements and often commits some minor to major crimes. At such times he or she is funded by the shaytan or the devil who feels very proud and happy if any person commits or thinks of doing any bad work. The devil makes the act of crime very simple and gives nice amazing innovative thoughts in the mind of a person so as to how to tackle with such situations, he insists to try some new and old tricks and get temporary satisfaction and relief by removing fear of God from the mind of a person. devil always feels very happy when a person commits any mistake, sins or crimes, he wants people to give up fear of God for once and always and do those bad things that would take far away from the fear of God in order to do those unwanted things that his heart likes to do which would lead him to destruction, he supports fully to cross any limits to fulfill the person’s lust and desires for unwanted things.
But in this complex world there are also people who clearly understand the steps of shaytan and they are very much aware of such tactics and do not allow the devil to be successful in his mission they know how to tackle the situations and it is fear of God that they have constant true and honest behavior be it personal or general or in public. Their heart is the guide for them which guides them at every step they take.  They clearly understand the steps of devil and what he wants them to do. They are very much cautious and curb all steps of shaytan. They never allow any opportunity to be given to him to gain any advantage. For them fear of God is the topmost point that too in any circumstances. If any problem befalls on them than they do not become sad or keep on complaining, but on the contrary they welcome it smile and bear it with patience. They have high esteem and moral, there heart has a fear of God
May we humans have a soft heart to have true fear Almighty God Allah Jalleshahnao Ameen

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy And Blessings upon whole Ummaah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus. 

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Egoism Leads To Distraction By Liyakat Shah


Egoism Leads To Distraction By Liyakat Shah
Egoism an act to think that I am something different or unique person than others, a procedure by which we begin to think I am the sole highly different person than any other. It may make a person to overact at some situations and to underestimate others. Actually it is a person’s ability or talent that is great and not the person if act egoism comes in his or her mind than people are not benefited from it. It is just done for his personal name and fame so that people may every now and then would just and just talk about the person that he is so nice in his or her department. If our talent or good work is done for our own sake than the work loses its benefits and advantages
Egoism may come in many ways, person may be egoistic by his post, status, work, or whatever God has given him or her. If the person is good orator and he come well prepared for the speech and chooses a nice current topic to get applauses from the people than in listening skill it may sound very good to the audience but if the intension of the orator is different and thinks that it would be a measure of publicity or his talent or to gain popularity or financial status than whole procedure is of no use as the sole intension of that program was to earn name and fame. Egoism would be dangerous if people do not change their attitude as soon as possible. People should praise our work and not our self. It is a gift to us from God and things given by God should be for people and not for our own sake.  Egoism leads to envy and frustration if the so called person does not get the required amount necessary praise there by thinking that his position is decorating in the society. Unless he gets time to time praise and cheers he or she would feel happy and often become sad when people do not discuss about him. Egoism comes in people’s mind when he tends to think that he or she is well satisfied in all walks of life in terms of money, status and so on. But remember all these things are temporary instrument to play. Real life would be when people are benefited from your good work you may charge for satisfying your daily needs. If people are benefited by your good work than it may improve your good deeds for generation to come
Henceforth say no to egoism do not make your different identity mingle with the people. Eat simple food seek blessings of poor and needy, find people who are more simple and poorer than you.
Mr. Liyakat Shah

Earthquakes and Tsunamis By Liyakat Shah


                                Earthquakes and Tsunamis By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

An earthquake is a sudden our burst and shaking of earth crust. It may cause huge loss of life and property. It last only for few seconds or minutes but may cause a large destruction. One cannot predict as to when and where an earthquake would occur. But some nations like Japan are more prone to earthquake. An earthquake that take place under the ground or under the bed of the ocean which than becomes Tsunamis which is more devastating than earthquake. If any earthquake occurs in the ocean than there are high tidal waves that comes out from the oceans and destroy lots of property and humans and anything that comes in its way. An earthquake is a sudden shaking or vibration in the earth’s crust. The study of earthquake is called as Seismology and the instrument used to measure is Seismograph which records the earthquake on a scale to show the amount of prediction of earthquake. The scale used to measure earthquake is called Richter scale. This scale was developed by Charles Francis Richter of United States of America so it derived its name as Richter scale. The origin point of earthquake is called the Focus which means the actual point from where the earthquake started or occurred. This point lies below the surface of the rock or bed of ocean. The point on the earth above the focus is called as Epicenter. The frequency of earthquake does not remain the same all the time it keeps on changing. Sometimes it is mild or sometime moderate or sometime very strong. Some earthquake is of low intensity which is not felt by us. Now days with modern means people even record the vibration and movements of an earthquake and tsunami in mobile or handy cams.
Tsunami is a Japanese word which means harbor waves. A tsunami is a series of huge waves that occur under disturbance by either earthquake or volcanic eruptions. These are huge waves that origins from the part of earthquake from the ocean bed and travel in all directions destroying all that things that come in the middle. During tsunami we find big malls, aero planes, and huge containers seen as floating in water. It takes away all that things that come in its way. The force of water is such that it could not with stand anything.

Holy Quran has one Surah related with earthquake
Surah 99. The Earthquake
1. When the earth is shaken to her (utmost) convulsion,
2. And the earth throws up her burdens (from within),
3. And man cries (distressed): 'What is the matter with her?'-
4. On that Day will she declare her tidings:
5. For that thy Lord will have given her inspiration.
6. On that Day will men proceed in companies sorted out, to be shown the deeds that they (had done).
7. Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it!
8. And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it.

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy And Blessings upon whole Ummaah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus. 

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Why To Be Jealous ? By Liyakat Shah

Why To Be Jealous ? By Liyakat Shah
Jealousy an act for which we feel sad and depressed by seeing others happy fresh and fine. Our heart feels pity and sad by gazing at happiness of others who are so good in their works, professions or departments. A person begins to feel jealous when he or she lacks in all such amenities. It is human psychology that when we sees much better people around him than his hearts tends to carve to achieve such laurels so for such situations he adopts the footsteps of jealousy. It is sometimes sudden or spontaneous reaction or sometimes slows in reaction. It is such an act that closes the vision of bright good appreciation work but keeps on searching and finding faults and errors of others and if they get any such minor issues than that thing is sufficient for them to spread it like wild fire between the people within and outside the circle. Sometimes the faults or mistakes are cared and nurtured so nicely with manure of jealousy by mixing unwanted, unspoken words with it to give a real look to send with firm belief between the heads and people. Such things are sufficient to boost a really good person to stand in the row of culprits to lose its position or status. Jealousy has many forms a person may feel jealous in his work, position, status and so on. People often fear that their post or status would go away if any good person does his work whole heartedly, but actually it is a false misconception among them. They have a typical nature that they waste their precious time in finding faults of people and keep on doing experiments on others to have a double standard. They convey the wrong message to other people and plaster it with few ups and down jealousy tips and dispatch it to the concerning person who always waits to welcome some new updates daily. People with such nature and company feel very proud when good people are underestimated by abuse, torture, scold, shout, insult or betray with jealousy. Than the person with good and soft nature feels sad grim and distracted that in spite of doing such good and hard work the result he gets is punishment. And the situation on the other side is festive they are cheerful, smile and laughter and celebration. Seeds of jealousy are very harmful it may destroy not only people but also society or a nation. Almighty God has not given similar things to all human beings differences occur in terms of looks, appearance, status, position, and physical appearance and so on. So why to feel jealous of such things. Work hard to gain those things that you are lacking or crave hard for that. Just by having jealousy one cannot achieve the desired things. Jealousy would just hurt the sentiments of the people as it takes few seconds to break the heart or image of a person but takes ages to heal it and bring it back to normal life.
Be happy and thankful to God for whatever He has given you or giving you or wants to give you.

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Monday, April 23, 2012

Man-made Gods By Liyakat Shah

                                Man Made Gods By Liyakat Shah
                                In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Well the purpose of this article is not to abuse or underestimate neither any ones religion nor any ones God. Well it may sound typical that how come possible man made Gods in many religion. In Muslim community we often find people visiting graves and shrines to full fill their desires and wishes. They often pay frequent visits to shrine and do offer many articles there so that their desires may be full filled. They trust more on shrines and graves than God who created them as well as others. They often undertake many journeys to reach the shrine at specific day and also offer huge amount there. They have a misconception that their desires and lust would be full filled then and there. They put forth their grievances and problems before the shrines or graves and expect to be full filled or evacuate them from problematic situations. People are also found worshipping sun, moon, stars, trees, animal, water, stones and so on. Actually all these and many more are the creation of God. Hence it is rightly said that “Obey the Creator and Not the Creation” they are the man made Gods by human beings. How can we kill a God? If God were in the form of any idol than stone is a non-living things and we cannot expect any loss or profit from the stones. Similarly people are found wearing rings studded with some precious stones, so that it may benefit them in their business or problem and clear some sorrowful clouds. How come possible? A stone benefit a person when it is a non-living substance. Similarly animals cannot be a God some animals add beauty to our environment while some is used for domestication as well as some for food. Humans, plants and animals are interdependent on each other and are also a creation of God. Similarly planets are also the creation of God. All planets of solar system as well as innumerable things in space are governed by His specific laws followed by seasons. They perform their duties according to the laws of God and not of human. God’s creation cannot be termed as God but we ought to find out the true concept of God so do test your God be it original or man made. We ought to think mentally, logically and spiritually to find true God. Who governs this whole universe? Every human beings starting from Adam and Eve (Peace and Blessings upon Them) and many more to come till this universe would be there is His creation. His Blessings and Mercy is very vast. He loves cares and feeds all livings things be it below the sky or on land or under water or beneath the water. Our life and death is in His hand. No one in this world could ever find the mystery of death as to when how and where a person would die. It is known only to God and not anyone. He can do anything He wants He has many Angels to do His work that too very smoothly and with ease. God is only one and has no partners or sons and daughters. So believe in true God instead of man made Gods.

 Surah 112. The Unity, Sincerity, Oneness Of Allah
1. Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
4. And there is none like unto Him.

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy And Blessings upon whole Ummaah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus. 

Mr. Liyakat Shah