Saturday, September 9, 2017

Aung San Suu Kyi Icon of Peace And Massacre By Liyakat Shah

                                Aung San Suu Kyi Icon of Peace And Massacre By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

When will the killings of innocent Muslims would stop in Mynmar whatelse the government and forces need more. Mynmar has spoil its name in international level. For every step of refugee it would be a curse for the government who is equally resopnsible for it. The way poor children and newly born kids are burnt alive killed and females and elderly are been forced to leave their homes and belonging is really heart touching. The nation that gave once a lady Aung San Suu Kyi Nobel Peace award is now totally agaisnt the principles of peace and harmony, even the nobel lady who recived the peace award her voice of nightingale has been mum and silent by the blood stains of the poor muslims. Even months after the human carnage the icon of peace is silent, world is eager to see her speak and act that too to prove the world that the award bestowed was real and authentic. Also Tibeten spritual leader Dalai Lama the icon of peace is also silent, the silence of this iconic people of peace on horrible killing is giving a silent message to the world that they appreciate the innocent killings. They are the leaders and symbol of peace but not in true sense because they have no daring to speak against there own government and followers. Moreover the incidents happening is Mynmar is exactly the opposite. In History of mankind the follower of Buddhsim Emperor Ashoka was moved and pained deeply by the bloodshed of Kalinga war. This monarch of Mynmar and security forces are so rude that they are killing innocent children, newly born kids females and old people. Many people are fleeying the peacful land and are falling prey to another calamities while crossing the rivers, mountains and dense forest. For every inhuman actions world needs the answer from Mnymar. People in Mynmar should come up with something to stop this inhuman act or world would say that Mynmar once the land of peace and now become into pieces. The pain of sufferings cruelity and intolerance has wings of its own and it flows very fast in the form of Dua which may befall soon on people who are responsible for such things. If Allah Subhano Watala comes in His Jalal than once developed nations that existed on the land lay burry under the ground due to His cathostropic. We cannot create a single living things hence we don't have any right to destory the living thing.

the cry of a Muslim brother.....
Ummah please its a request from the bottom of the heart please for sake of Allah Subhano Watala do what ever help or Dua you can do for our brotheren of Mynmar or we are accountable to Allah what we did when it was a testing time for you...

liyakat shah,

Thursday, September 7, 2017


                    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
The recent ongoing innocent killing by Government and Burmese forces is shameful act on society and nation and at time to come Burma has to answer for that. The way minority muslim Rohingya communities are being targeted tortured and slaughtered like animals is horrible to see and hear that too by those followers of Buddha who once preached and practised non.violence and Ahmisa, religious values comes from heart and is depicted by our Karma or actions, but the latest actrocities depict lowest level of demonic actions to defame the followers of any religion.The way the government forces are killing the Muslims Rohingya is really alarming, Every person in this world has the right to live. Remember no religion in the world permits violence in any form either physical or mental. Today Burmese people may think that they are the autocrats. The government and power is in their hands. So they can do anything against humanism and no one would dare to stop or punish them for such heinous acts. But not to be forgotten that all such type of people were shown the proper place by Almighty God and time would come when Allah Rabbul Izzat would take revenge from them. Turn the pages of history and trace examples of many such cruel people with huge fleet of soldiers were even defeated by Almighty God. We could not the surpass the power of God, One cannot go against the principles and laws of God. Allah would surely would punish who ever the culprit is. Today Burma may feel happy and enjoy a lot but very soon time would come when these people would beg for life and mercy. Time does not remain the same it keeps on changing. Remember Allah listens to the prayer of poor, humble and innocent and heart broken people and who so ever would abuse, torture, kill such poor and innocent people God would never ever forgive them. Holy month of ZilHaj is meant for doing sacrifice, Ebadat, charity and generosity all through the month, but Muslim people in Burma are being targeted in such holy month for which Allah would not leave them.
Who so ever the authority or government they have to answer for such innocent killings. Such incidence has created shame for Burma in international level. People from all developing nations have thrown criticism in all social networking websites and media. Many noted internnatinal personalities have warned to take away the nobel prize of Aung San Suu Kyi. 
George Monbiot
"Take away Aung San Suu Kyi’s Nobel peace prize. She no longer deserves it
Once she was an inspiration. Now, silent on the plight of the Rohingya in Myanmar, she is complicit in crimes against humanity"
Burma the land of peace and harmony has become the den place of human killings. Burma should understand that innocent killings would have no solution to any problems. Hence they should stop killings of people and if they have any moral values left than they should do the rehabilitations of minorities as soon as possible, or the coming generations would never forgive them. Every person has to taste death and has to answer for his or her deeds. So be prepared. Today may be our turn next time it may be yours and henceforth. So one has to answer for all those innocent killing. Every human being in this world has the right to live. We cannot deny fundamental rights of the people. It is government who is responsible for all such crises. They should issue strict orders to such anti social elements who choose such path of mass killings. 
Its is also a testing time and challenge for all the World and espically Muslims nations to come up with some concrete steps and  measures for our fellow brotherens. Even we are answerable for our silence. Who so ever should comeup with some strong bilateral issues. Ummah is one and people of World Islamic leaders with post and positions needs to take this issues or Allah would soon ask all the hakims and humkmarans the leaders of the world what you did for....... Rohingya..?

A cry of a Muslim brother.............. 
Liyakat Shah

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Advices for Ramadan By Liyakat Shah

Advices for Ramadan By Liyakat Shah
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

From the book Khulaasatul Kalaam by Shaykh Jaarullah
1. Fast Ramadhan with belief and truly seeking the reward of Allah the Most High so that He may forgive you your past sins.
2. Beware of breaking your fast during the days of Ramadhan without a valid Islamic excuse, for it is from the greatest of sins.
3. Pray Salat ut-Taraweeh and the night prayer during the nights of Ramadhan – especially on Layatul-Qadr – based on belief and truly seeking the reward of Allah, so that Allah may forgive you your past sins.
4. Make sure that your food, your drink and your clothing are from halal means, in order that your actions be accepted, and your supplications answered. Beware of refraining from the halal while fasting and breaking your fast with the haram.
5. Give food to some fasting people to gain a reward similar to theirs.
6. Perform your five prayers on time in congregation to gain the reward and Allahs protection.
7. Give a lot of charity for the best charity is that of Ramadhan.
8. Beware of spending your time without performing righteous deeds, for you will be responsible and reckoned for it and will be rewarded for all you do during your time.
9. Perform `umrah in Ramadhan for `Umrah in Ramadhan is equal to Hajj.
10. Seek help for fasting during the day by eating the sahoor meal in the last part of the night before the appearance of Fajr.
11. Hasten breaking your fast after the sun has truly set in order to gain the love of Allah.
12. Perform ghusl before fajr if you need to purify yourself from the state of major impurity so that you are able to do acts of worship in a state of purity and cleanliness.
13. Cease the opportunity of being in Ramadhan and spend it with the good that has been revealed in it – by reciting the noble Quran and pondering and reflection of its meanings so that it be a proof for you with your Lord and an intercessor for you on the Day of Reckoning.
14. Preserve your tongue from lying, cursing, backbiting and slander for it decreases the reward of fasting.
15. Do not let fasting cause you cross your boundaries by getting upset due to the slightest of reasons. Rather, fating should be a cause of peacefulness and tranquility of your soul.
16. Upon completion of fasting, be in a state of taqwa of Allah the Most High, being aware of Allah watching you in secret and in public, in thankfulness for His favors, and steadfastness upon obedience of Allah by doing all what He has ordered and shunning all that He has prohibited.
17. Increase in remembrance of Allah, seeking of forgiveness, asking for Paradise and protection against the Fire, especially when fasting, while breaking the fast and during suhoor, for these actions are among greatest causes of attaining Allahs forgiveness.
18. Increase in supplication for yourself, your parents, your children and Muslims, for Allah has ordered making of supplications and has guaranteed acceptance.
19. Repent to Allah with a sincere repentance in all times by leaving sins, regretting those that you have done before and firmly deciding not to return to them in the future, for Allah accepts repentance of those who repent.
20. Fast six days of Shawwal, for whoever fasts Ramadhan and then follows it with six days of Shawwal, it is as if he fasts all the time.
21. Fast on the Day of `Arafah, the 9th of Dhul Hijjah, to attain success by being forgiven your sins of the last year and the coming year.
22. Fast on the day of `Aashuraa, the 10th of Muharram, along with the 9th, to attain success by being forgiven your sins of the past year.
23. Continue being in a state of iman and taqwa and perform righteous actions after the month of Ramadhan, until you die. And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty (i.e. death). [Quran 15:99]
24. Ensure that you attain the positive effects of your acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, zakat and hajj, sincere repentance and leaving of customs that are in variance with the Sharee`ah.
25. Invoke a lot of salawat and salam upon the Messenger of Allah, may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him, his Companions and all those who follow them until the Day of Judgment.
O Allah make us and all Muslims of those who fast and stand in prayer during the month of Ramadhan based on belief and truly seeking Your reward so that we are forgiven our past and future sins.
O Allah make us of those who fasted the month, attained full reward, witnessed Layatul-Qadr and attained success by permission of the Lord, Blessed and Most High.
O Allah, verily you are Forgiver, like to forgive, so forgive us.
O Lord, accept from us, verily you are the All-Hearing, all-Seeing, O Living, O Independent, O Owner of all majesty and honor.
And may Allahs blessings and peace be upon Muhammad, his family and his Companions.

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus. 

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Azan The Best voice of the Universe By Liyakat Shah

                                Azan The Best voice of the Universe By Liyakat Shah
                        In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Nowadays our Indian singer Sonu Nigam has kept himself floating for criticizing melody of Azan. He feels distracted and according to him it disturbs sound sleep and peace of mind early in the morning. He says he is not a muslim but still has to wake up to the call of Azan in the morning. Well he should not forget that India is a secular and democratic country every religion be it hindus, christans, muslims, Sikhs has the right to freedom and religion and Sonunigam needs to study and introspect himself thoroughly. Our Constitutions has given us such freedom so who are we to criticize rituals of any religions. It is this that gives our Indian traditions a different looks from the nations of the world. Our religions, customs, and religious beliefs and multilingual languages make our India great. It should also be noted that how he was having such a sound sleep so long and how did he wake up all of a sudden, why didn’t he come out with such criticisms on religions before, it shows that it may be because he may have been going through a bad patch in his life or carrier or may be his popularity have gone done, so he has taken up such topic so that he would be floated in the media and social networking webs by which he can gain popularity. Now if the melodious Azan is really disturbing him than what about his stage shows, programmes, Orchestras, along with highest Decimal of sounds that cross the limits prescribed by the laws of the Government. The modern musical instruments and DJ’s do they pass such test so that our famous singer sunonigam’s peace and sleep won’t be disturbed. Very often the shows that beats the songs to the fullest level which goes on till late night breaking the norms, it is not the first time that celebrities have use such steps to fool the people and remain a hot talk of media. Actually it’s an easy way to make any such irrelevant comments regarding any religion and gain the necessary popularity. Azan is the Praise to Almighty God and human being has no rights to speak against God. Because every human being is answerable about his or her deeds, Suno Nigam should also see that even our the Prime Minister of India has taken a short pause during the call of Azan in a rally organized in West Bengal, Noted Bollywood actor Salman Khan even stop for a couple of minutes when he heard the voice of Azan. Noted actress PriyankaChopda appreciated the voice of Azan to feel peace and hearttouching. Azan it’s a traditions carried on since 1400 years ago and its legacy is kept as it is, the first Azan was recited by Bilal (Allah is pleased with him) who was black and belong to the Negro tribe, but Prophet Mohammad SAW gave Him the first opportunity to stand on the Holy Kabbah and recite aloud the Glory of Almighty God Allah. Azan it’s a call for the Muslims to come for salah that is Prayer. It is recited five times a day, Azan is recited almost in whole universe it never stops even for a fractions of seconds, because of geographical conditions every place on the Earth recites the Azan for Prayer. Even the astronomers who have gone in the space could here this melodious voice of Azan. Even Indian born SunitaWillaims also narrated that she could hear the voice of Azan from Universe. Azan has spiritual feels in it. When we listen to it with full concentrations than it gives peace of mind heart body and soul, it’s a type of feel that no one can define, so how can we call it as a disturbing phenomenon. So Sonunigamji you need to introspect yourself appreciate the melody of Azan rather than criticizing it. Unless you feel it your heart won’t feel pity and you cannot get that touch even if you try to spend crores of rupees for it, experiment it and feel it try this simple experiment.
Allah Ho Akbar
Allah is the Greatest of all
the cry of a Muslim brother…………..

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus. 

Mr. Liyakat Shah