Monday, March 25, 2019

Shoot Animals By Lens And Not By Guns By Liyakat Shah

                  Shoot Animals By Lens And Not By Guns

Animals are our precious gift of God they add beauty to our nature and are also interdependent on nature. There are wild and domestic animals in the universe but very sad to say that these wild animals are killed for no reason or just for fun. So these poor humble animals have to suffer for the cause of human amusement. Even though Indian Government had made stringent laws for people who dare to kill any wild animals without any specific reasons. But this law lacks on grounds of implementations. So the procedure lacks in terms of preventing wild lives. The killings of tigers and other animals are of serious concern as there are very few tigers left either in jungle or sanctuaries. Wild animals can live and survive naturally in natural surroundings and conditions that is in jungles, but unfortunately trees are being felled down and this is the reason of deforestation. People have sprung towards forest areas to find settlement for human civilization. There are many wild animals that are being killed daily in many parts of India and if such killings continuous, then a day would come when we have to live without wildlife which is not possible for us as all species are interdependent on each other. Animals be it domestic or wild all are the creations of God. So care must be taken by us. Religion says to love and care animals. God has created wild animals which live in specific areas known as forest.
Similarly there are some animals used for domestication purpose to be use as transportation and as food of humans. The responsibility of carrying and feeding falls on his master who keeps the animals. We ought to take care of animals by providing them with nourishing food and also proper shelter for dwelling place followed by clean and safe drinking water from time to time. If they fall ill or do not perform their function nicely than we should show concern by visiting a specialist veterinary doctor for that ailment, Similarly if any female animal is pregnant then care is to be taken for her as we take care of our family member, not to load too much without the reach of animal nor beat them for not performing any domestication work, not to get angry on animals. Animals are also living beings but they do not have voice to speak like us. But they also have a pleasure of pain and happiness like humans. They can express their feelings of joy and happiness by performing certain tricks of amusement by playing in mud or water. They may run or jump or make typical sound in their joyous moods. We should not beat them with wipe or any sticks or materials. Now a day we find people using wires chains to control the poor animals. This is not good on the contrary treat them with love and affection and care. At sad times we may even find animals crying or making typical sound and tears rolling can also be visible in their eyes.
Hence do love our animals for God would love us.

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Sunday, March 24, 2019

A Message To Youth By Liyakat Shah

                      A Message To Youth
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful                   
First of all billions and millions of thanks to Almighty God who created us as human beings When we speak of youth then an image comes to our mind that, it is an age of storm and stress. An age where one begins to feel that we are rather highly qualified and experienced person whereby we begin sometimes to over act using those things at many occasion, Sometimes our actions are dominated in such a way that we try to attract the attentions of others for no reason. Remember life is precious gift of God for which the person has to live only once and all his or her work be it good or bad is being recorded and one has to answer about our deeds. So our work should be for the well being for others. Win hearts of people by sweet words and not by any abusive, torture or insulting words. You may be remembered by the people by your good acts and generosity. Good actions, good behavior, moral values are sometimes inborn or inculcated by our parents or teachers and must be implanted at every step to keep its basic values alive. Today maximum youth of world are addicted with bad habits of eating, chewing and drinking of many intoxication elements in the form of tobacco, smoking, drinking, smack, drugs and many more harmful things that destroys not only their homes but also body. However it is not to be forgotten that our whole body be it internal or external is a precious gift from God and we do not have any right what so ever to harm spoil or destroy the Creation of God who has made all our spare parts working and living things.
          Today is the world of fashion and every day new innovative methods are shown in the market to attract the younger generation. But very said to speak that when God made a person as male or a female then why one intends to change his or her appearance. Today we find that boys are imitating the appearance of girls and vice versa are the case with girls imitating boys. We should wear proper clothes to cover and hide our body parts and not meant for exposure to others. The dressing up of attire should be suitable to us and should not become a talk for the people. Dress up in such a way that looks sober and which gives comfort and relax to our body. 
          Another big problem with our younger generation is that they lack in values of social, spiritual, moral they may have a very good and healthy relationship with their parents, relatives and friends but it’s not whole heatedly. They should love and respect and remember their parents every time. Its mother’s love care and affection that makes a child to stand in this complex world. Hence it is rightly said that “Heaven lies under the feet of Mother”. If mother is Heaven then Father is the gates of Heaven. The service of serving the parent’s at young or old age should be considered as boon because there are special benefits for such people from Almighty God. But the factual scene is exactly opposite they lack in spiritual values we often find them in a dilemma where they are in conflict, quarrel, distracted, frustrated and becomes angry for no reason with the parents. Their response for anything is spontaneous; they often take decisions in haste. They feel themselves elegant to take and give any judgments in life.      
              During the younger generations guys begin to think beyond their imagination and they want to know the logic for every reason. But this thinking should be for the good and betterment of the people and society. Today the most dangerous thing that our youth are attracted is the porn or sex. Being a human a person ought to arouse sexual desires by the fascination of much vulgarity around us and it’s a human Psychology in order to satisfy the lust we often cross the limits to relax our mind and body. Sex what so ever should never ever be done before marriage for God would punish us. We people think that no one knows about our private acts or actions of wrong doings but remember that it is Almighty God who has a very bright vision to see our every bit of actions as long as we are alive. We could not hide from Him. Our body parts would act as a witness for our every good or bad work. Marriage is the best of best solution to put an end to the problem of sexuality. Find a right and suitable pair and get married soon. Consult your seniors in matters of marriage or any other problems.
          Another problem with our youth is that they are not so religious minded. They often knock the doors of religious institutions just at difficult times. They waste their precious time in end number of other irrelevant things but they do not have any time for praying to Almighty God. Prayer to Almighty God is must it is Who created us. We should be thankful to Him all the time till we are alive. God loves seventy times more than our parents. His Blessings and Mercy is immense and uncountable. God is not hungry for our Prayers but He want to save us from the fire of hell. Just imagine our whole body parts how nicely they are well balanced and placed in our body they work and function so systematically. It is hear that we should realize God and be very much thankful to Him. Make your behavior pious. Be honest, polite and be well cultured person. Leave your marks of good works and deeds on the minds and hearts of the people. Serve the people and love humans to spell out the lessons of humanity.
          Keep your aims, motives and objectives high as above sky. Think not of gold and silver but think of diamonds, rubies and gems. Add wings to your aims dreams and desires be practical in life. Think beyond the horizon. Face the situations problems or challenges in life give hundred percent to whatever opportunity one gets in his or her life. No work should be considered as degradable. Every work be it big or small has its own charms followed by the way of working. Be honest at our work. Do not make or go in for fake promise. Say no to bribery, satisfy your needs within your expenditure. This would give you a sound sleep at night and you would feel very happy the next day. Prepare and plan yourself in advance to avoid any delay in your work.  Love poor and needy people give them helping hands if we can’t give them any food or money at least try to guide help or inspire them with your precious words of courage for them. Think the cause and problem of others as our own self. Love all living beings do not play sentimental puppets with the people not to cheat, steal, or hoard anything.
          Be liberal with your modes of transport avoid rash driving of any vehicle. Turn your media into silent mode. Make use of internet in your mobile computer laptops for learning and gaining something new knowledge each day. Listen to religious and devotional songs speeches read religious scriptures by using search engines to give you unique information about true God and religion. Try to reach at the depth of true religion. Beg for Blessings and Mercy of God.
May Almighty God give us proper intelligent to think and become a good human being to love, respect, help, guide people as well as our nation

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus. 

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Sunday, March 10, 2019

International Women's Day By Liyakat Shah

International Women’s Day

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Every year on 8th of March International Women’s is celebrated all around the world. History of Women’s days celebration goes back to the emergence of Labour Movement that started in North America and Europe. The Charter of the United Nations signed an agreement in 1945 to have gender equality between men and women, it was then that the United Nations had strived hard for the upliftment of legacy of women’s around the world. 
Now coming back to India about the conditions of Indian women. It was since ancient times that our society was male dominated, women were given the secondary place. The conditions of the women became more deteriorated as the time went on. The society was filled with all old traditions, rituals and believes. Credit goes to our social reformers who worked day and night hard enough to put an end to the evil practice of Child marriages, Sati, polygamy, female infanticide, dowry etc. Many Indian leaders work tirelessly to raise the status of the women one such leader was Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar who stood for the plight of women in India, especially the women from weaker sections of the society which was discriminated on the basis of castesim. He worked hard throughout his life for the cause and sufferings of these women. His principles and theories were based upon equality for all irrespective of caste. When he was a Chairman of Constitution drafting committee as well as a Law Minister of India he highlighted various issues and problems related with the Indian women. He even discussed about women’s issues in the Legislative Council. Now even after 70 years of India’s independence still we find that women are living in fear and bondage and they do not feel completely free from evil eyes and evil practice customs of society. Even today daily we come across many cases of defame, dignity to the status of women in the form of rapes, naked walk, torture, abuse, beatings,  discrimination, dowry, cheat and fraud, death etc and so on. Still today we find that due to illiteracy and ignorance some people think birth of female child as a curse and something that has happened against their wish, they feel comfortable with a male child who would be a source of earning and at the end would benefit them at the old age and if a girl child is born then its a loss of money till she gets married or may be after the marriage. Such type of people are calculative in terms of profit and loss at the time of the pregnancy. On the contrary its false thinking and women’s have proved wrong to all such misconceptions today, we find that none of the sector is left behind whereby we find women’s are far more superior then men. A man is the guardian of home but a woman is the guardian of home, society and nation. Every human being be it a Prime Minister, President or who so ever millionaire or a beggar is a born and brought up child by a mother who is a woman. It has been since old times that women has undergone many hardships. A mother for whom all her children are equal who nurtures and takes care of all of them, but that same mother faces discrimination in the society. The basic lessons of equality is taught by her but in return she notices and gets inequality. The ideology of thinking should be changed it is then we can think of  up liftment of the status of the women in India. Religion also plays an important role in improving and uplifting the status of women take for an instance in Islam which treats women and men as equals in the eyes of Almighty God same duties of worship, faith, prayers, fasting, charity, pilgrimage. Islam prohibits female infanticide, dowry and any sought of crimes. The male has to pay the bridal amount to the female rather then taking any money from female or her in-laws. The women would be getting inheritance of property share from husband’s side as well as from father’s side by some calculation. So economically the daughter or woman gets double benefit in her inheritance of property. On the other side if there are any minor or major issues which creates rift in their relationship then first preference is to be given to solve among husband and wife if not then need to indulge relatives and family members to solve the crises. If not then at the final stage for separation then by mutual understanding and consent of both the families the relationship comes to an end, thereby both are free to start a new life to get married to anyone of their choice to start once again a happy and prosperous life. 

Mr. Liyakat Shah