Monday, August 26, 2019

Mother Teresa The Icon of Real Mother By Liyakat Shah

Mother Teresa The Icon of Real Mother By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Mother Teresa was born on 26th August 1910  in Skopje, a capital Republic of Macedonia. Since her childhood people began her calling nun as she was rendering service towards poor and ill people. Later on at the age of 18 she was granted the permission to join a group of nuns in Ireland. While staying in between the nuns she received a lot of training and experience, and later on in 1931 she was given the permission to travel to India under the name as St Therese of Lisieux the patron Saint of missionaries. On her arrival in India she began working as a teacher in St. Marry school in Calcutta, but the widespread poverty sufferings and illness of people in Calcutta kept posing some serious questions to her mind. So this led to start a new chapter in mankind to form an organisation "The Missionaries of Charity". The sole motive and objective of it was to look after those people whom people do not look or neglect. Mother Teresa had an impact of teachings of fundamental principles of Prophet Jesus i.e. Isa Peace and Blessing Upon Him. Mother Teresa said that “Love cannot remain by itself – it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service.” Mother Teresa had chosen to wear a simple attire, she wore simple white Indian Sari with a outside blue border as a mark of respect towards Indian culture. Her sari was a symbolic with two colours which had meanings the three blue bands was associated with Mother Marry Peace And Blessings Upon Her and White was associated with peace, truth and purity. Mother Teresa had to survive and work for the cause of sufferings of the people she and her fellow nuns did not have much to survive their financial conditions was not up to the mark, so they very often came on roads to beg for the funds for the cause of the poor people. Later on their move for rendering free service was appreciated by the people, local leaders and also some politicians. Later on her tireless work towards the poor people and humanity began to expand to many countries. In 2013 there were 700 plus missionaries working actively in over 130 countries. People with below poverty line, orphanage, leposary patients, any with many other illness were of various faiths and religion who  became the part of this missionary. Mother Teresa was of Catholic by faith and was against any caste discrimination, divorce, abortion and many other social crimes. Her famous quote towards people was “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitutes a threat to peace.” She didn’t attend the ceremonial banquet but asked that the $192,000 fund be given to the poor. And said that
“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”
When she was asked how to promote world peace, she replied, “Go home and love your family”.
Over the last two decades of her life, Mother Teresa suffered various health problems, but nothing could dissuade her from fulfilling her mission of serving the poor and needy In Calcutta, Mother Teresa began an Open Air school and established a home for the destitute. She persuaded the local city government to donate a dilapidated building she could use. Over the next two decades, she established a leper colony, an orphanage, a nursing home, a family clinic and a string of mobile health clinics
In 1971, she opened her first house of charity in the West in New York, US. She eventually suffered a heart attack and had a pacemaker surgically fitted to her chest. Even after this devastating condition of her health, she continued to work for another eight years.
“The hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone. “In 1985, President Ronald Reagan awarded her the United States Presidential Medal of Freedom. In 1972 she was awarded the Indian ‘Nehru Prize’ “for the promotion of international peace and understanding”.
Lastly Mother Teresa died at the age of 87, due heart failure on September 5, 1997 in Calcutta.
Mr. Liyakat Shah

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Eid -Ul- Azha teaches Faith in Allah and submission to Allah's Will.

                        Eid -Ul- Azha teaches Faith in Allah and submission to Allah's Will.
                            In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Faith in Allah and submission to Allah's Will. On Eid-ul-Azha, we remember the trial Allah put Prophet Ibrahim and his family through four thousand years ago. Eid-Ul-Azha is the greatest festival of Muslim which is celebrated all over the world. It is celebrated annually and falls on the 10th day of Dhul Haj of the lunar Islamic calendar. It is since ages that the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) is being carried on and kept alive by Almighty God Allah Rabbul Izzat. Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) had a dream from Almighty God to sacrifice His beloved son Ismail (A.S) in the name of Allah. For which both father and son were very patient and tolerant. He and His son did not hesitate to fulfil the desires of God as shown in the dream. The festive activities of Eid last for consecutive three days. Eid-Ul-Azha occurs the day after the pilgrims performing Haj which is an annual gathering of pilgrimage at Mecca to perform rituals at Mecca, Mina, Arafah, Muzdalifa, and stoning of devils at jamarat in Saudi Arabia. Muslims from world wide irrespective of caste, creed, colour, creed, tribe, nation or place gather in Mecca wearing same clothes and lined in queue to offer congretion to seek blessings and mercy of Almighty God Allah. Even a king or a Prince of its time would stand next to a poor peasant or a slave. There is no discrimination of any kind between black and whites Arabs or non.arabs, all wear same clothes and perform same activities at one glance chanting all praises to Almighty God as Allah is the Greatest of Great, the creator of this Universe.
The Arabic word for sacrifice is Qurban and in Kurdish it is said Cejna Qurbane and in Pashto it is Kurbaneyg Akhtar in Chinese it is Guebang Jie in Malay and Indonesian it is Hari Raya Korban in Turkish it is Kurban Bayrami. In India in Hindi and Urdu speaking areas say Baqra Eid. Baqr is Arabic word which means goat or a cow. Every person who is well versed in terms status of money or who has a sound position in terms of wealth is entitle to perform sacrifice of animal rather we can say it is mandatory for a rich people, and also those people who can afford to do it should do it. Domestic animals such as goats, sheep, cow, ox, camels are used for sacrifice. The animal chosen for sacrifice must be of best of best quality in terms of look, health and appearance. Any defects in his physical or mental department are unacceptable for sacrifice. Similarly the animal should also meet the age factor. In small animals goat, sheep so on we have just one share while in big animal we have seven shares, which can be owned by either one person or seven different person. The whole meat is to be divided into three parts one for poor and needy people, another for relatives and last share for our selves. Men, women and children are dressed in the finest clothing to perform the Solat of Eid-Ul-Azha either in an open ground specially made for Eid prayer known as Eidgah or even at mosque. The festival teaches us to sacrifice our beloved things without any hesitations in the name of Allah Rabbul Izzat.
Mr. Liyakat Shah