Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Republic Day By Liyakat Shah


                                             Indian Republic Day By Liyakat Shah

The Republic Day 26th January is a very important day in the history of Independent India. On 15th august 1947 India got freedom from the clutches of British Empire and three years later on 26th January 1950 India adopted its own Constitution and India can to be called as socialist, republic, secular and democratic country. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar took the challenge of framing our constitution which is the biggest in the whole world. A splendid function is held in New Delhi the capital of India. The Prime Minister of India unfurls the Indian tri colour flag and addresses the nation with a speech about the present and future Indian developmental plans. The President takes the salute of the parade. The three wings of military that is the Army, the Navy and the Air force participate and display their acrobatic fly past skills in front of the nation. There is a display of new innovative weapons, missiles, tanks, guns, airplanes and so on. School children participate in cultural dance. There is a colourful procession of display a replica of every states of India. The parade is followed by groups of students from various parts of India they wear traditional clothes of their region and display regional dance and culture. The same tradition is carried on since India became free. Let’s try to preserve this varied culture. East or West India Is the Best

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Bharat Ratna By Liyakat Shah

                                            Bharat Ratna By Liyakat Shah
Bharat Ratna Award Bharat Ratna which means jewel or gem of India It is a greatest civilian award given in India for the greatest service for nation. The award are given to people who had done some extra ordinary work in field of art, literature and scientific achievement and now even sports has also been included. The order was established by the then President of India on 2nd January 1954 Dr. Rajendra Prasad there was no formal provision that the recipients of Bharat Ratna should be an Indian citizens. Many foreign nationals have also received this award. The award has an image of the Sun along with the words “Bharat Ratna” inscribed in the Devanagari script. The first to receive this award was Chakravarti Rajagopala Chari of Tamil Nadu and the last was Bhimsen Joshi of Karnataka.

What is A Mosque ? By Liyakat Shah


                                            What is A Mosque ? By Liyakat Shah
                                In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

What is a Mosque? A Mosque is a place where Muslim around the world offer prayers to Almighty God Allah Rabbul Izzat. It is a type of building either big or small depending upon the population where the followers of Islam assemble to offer prayers called Salat. The Arabic word of Mosque literally means a place of prostration. We have five times daily mandatory prayers to be done collectively in the Mosque by the Muslim. Mosque serves as a place where Muslims come for offering prayers and for seeking information about Quran and Hadith as well as religious gatherings. Mosques such as Quba, Al-Haram, Al-Nabawi are the oldest Mosque in the world and have great importance in Islam because many Prophets and followers of Islam (Peace And Blessings Upon Them) have offered Salat and held many religious gatherings there. A Mosque has beautiful dome, minarets, gate to give a beautiful look of it. Every Mosque has arrangements for water and proper sanitation for the people and travelers. Before performing a prayer a person has to wash and clean himself by performing Wudu ( ablutions). The Moaizan who is the care taker of the Mosque looks after the maintenance of the Mosque and has a best of best rewards for his service and whoever gets the opportunity of this work would be blessed in the Heaven. His duty is to give five times calling for the prayer which is known as Azaan or Adan which has praises for Almighty God and Prophet Mohammad( Pease And Blessings Upon Him). He announces people to come and join the prayer in order come closer to Almighty God. There are beautiful prayer mats on which prayers are offered. Some Mosque also has arrangements for females and privacy is maintained for them. The prayer is held at every stipulated time depending upon the geographical conditions of that land. At some place it may be morning prayers where as in some places it may be noon or evening prayers. So almost whole day that is 24 hours a day we have the rotation of five prayers all over the universe in the form of Azaan and Salat or recitation of Quran or discussion on Islamic things this is alive and greatest miracle of Allah Subanao Watala. Friday has a great importance in Islam. The importance of Friday prayer has also been narrated in Holy Quran which says that O you who have believed, when [the adhOEn] is called for the prayer on the day of JumuĂ”ah [Friday], then proceed to the remembrance of AllOEh and leave trade. That is better for you, if you only knew. 10. And when the prayer has been concluded, disperse within the land and seek from the bounty of AllOEh, and remember AllOEh often that you may succeed. (Surah Jumah Ayat No 9-10) Hence people should remove the misconceptions that Mosques are the dwelling places of anti social elements but they are the Holy places on Earth that joins humans on grounds of universal brotherhood. 

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy And Blessings upon whole Ummaah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus. 

Mr. Liyakat Shah 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Peace In Islam By Liyakat Shah


                                             Peace In Islam By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Peace In Islam Peace has a very important place in Islam. Peace is a procedure that may avoid us from doing anything wrong. It is peace that may solve all our conflicts, quarrels and wars by peaceful means. It is a type of weapon than can defeat the opponents by peaceful means. It is a device which is used by many social thinkers, social reformers and have got glaring results of it. Prophet Mohammad (Pace And Blessings Upon Him) had shown us the maximum use of this word and He not only preached but Himself followed it in front of the people. He gave more preference to peace than to arguments or war. According to Him if matters are to be sought out by peaceful than it should be given first priority. Whenever there were clouds of war He used to first find that if there is any way to avoid it by peaceful means. This shows that how He was so much concerned with peace. In spite of several hardships He never gave up hopes and tolerance in front of the enemies who had almost used all elements of torture, abuse, insult and attack. But His attitude of peace and tolerance was so high that the enemies got fed up with their bad work. No man in the history of mankind has ever being tested or would be tested in this universe. He had a firm belief on the concept of true God Allah Rabbul Izzat who would guide and protect Him at every step He takes Peace could be seen going side by side in all His work He did. Even people who criticize Him one time began to feel the beauty of His good nature of peacefulness and joined His camp in the mission of propagating the message of Islam. There are many instances in His life where we find that He had won the hearts of the people by peaceful means. In Holy Quran Allah Tabaraq Watala says in Surah Az-Zumar its Explanations “Allah says that the troubles or peace, both are test from Him to see which one of you thank Him in any condition, have patience and call Him only but no other gods.” In Holy Quran Allah Subhano Watala says in Surah As-Saffat its Explanations “Allah says the evil has no power over righteous. The evil gets defeated by strong belief in True Faith, plenty good deeds and perseverance in strong trails” So let us try to make use of peace in our day to day life and be happy and make other people happy. Solve all our problems whether big or small by peaceful means. Peaceful ways and means may take some time but the results would very good to be written in the history. May Allah give us hidayat Ameen 

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy And Blessings upon whole Ummaah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus. 

Mr. Liyakat Shah 

Back Biting In Islam By Liyakat Shah

                                                        Back Biting In Islam By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Back Biting In Islam Back biting is an act which is Haram in Islam which is also a sinful act and is not allowed in Islam. Back biting may be defined as speaking of anything bad in absence of a person. It has various forms and types It is a great sin and we have been warned of it in Holy Quran and also the teaching of our beloved Prophet which gives us clear instructions that not to indulge in the acts of bike biting. It is mere a small tongue that creates the difference of good and bad. Words spoken by a tongue may destroy the ages to come and wounds of swords can heal in a time to come. But harsh wound of words has no healing touch unless a person comes and seeks for forgiveness but it requires a big heart to bow down before our mistakes. Our ego makes the difference. Islam is a religion which teaches us to love and live happily in this society. We ought to love and respect even our neighbors irrespective of caste or creed. It spells to bloom a society with grounds of humanism. It teaches peace and harmony so one has to understand the ill effects of back biting. Conflicts, rumors, abuse, torture are the devastating elements of the society and these words and work have no place in Islam. Prophet Mohammad (Peace And Blessings Upon Him) has said that “Whoever protects his tongue from unlawful utterances and guards his private parts from illegal sexual relations, I shall guarantee him entrance into the Paradise.” ( Sahih Bukhari: Hadith No 6109) While at another place Prophet Mohammad ( Peace And Blessings Upon Him) is asked “Who is the best Muslim ? The Messenger of Allah replied “He is the one from evils of whose tongue and hands people are safe.” (Sunan Nasai: Hadith No 11726) Holy Quran Says In Surah Hujrat Ayat No 12 O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful. Hence take a pledge that from today onwards that IshaAllah we will not indulge ourselves in any actions or work of back biting. May Allah Subhano Watala give us Hidayat Ameen. 

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy And Blessings upon whole Ummaah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus. 

Mr. Liyakat Shah 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

HOPES An Instrument To Play By Liyakat Shah

                                HOPES An Instrument To Play By Liyakat Shah
                        In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
HOPES An Instrument To Play HOPES a word by which many people either build or spoil their life or carrier. If we take the literal meaning of hope than we may conclude that something what is possible within our limit or thing that is usually likely to happen It is this word that we often find people playing sentimental puppets with others. Nowadays the graph of unemployment has reached its pinnacle and it is this hope that insists the innocent people to fall prey to such nuisance. People or any organization has the only intensions of cheat and fraud in their minds. Such types of people are masters and specialist in dealing with psychological aspects of human life. They catch the nerves of innocence, hopes and despairs of people and show them the dreams of beautiful world waiting for them. They tend to make future of such poor and innocent and humble people. So people when see the charms of fantasy of new world than each and everyone desire to attain it at any cost to full fill these lust they often make arrangements of money or deal by fair and false means. Actually it is just a dream which cannot be full filled or that cannot come true in real life of people. But it is not to be forgotten that voice of such poor and needy people has the wings to convince Almighty God who would help them at such difficult times. Everyone has the right to build his or her future and approach to any organization of his choice. It is the talent, experience and qualifications that too be considered more important rather than money or identifications. If such people are given the jobs of their choice than naturally the firm or the organization would progress a lot in years to come. But the situation is exactly opposite so the procedure becomes meaningless. If one has any shortcoming or any drawbacks than return him or her with a inspirational and suggestive smile, to prepare him for the next appointment. People face many interviews, test, examination just because of hopes that they would be the lucky icon to be the part of it if selected. Its mere hope that keeps them alive so such situations. Hence lets take a pledge form today onwards to fulfill the desires and hopes of who ever approaches us. If we can’t fulfill it than show them proper channel as to what is to be done to achieve his goal. Inspirational and moral words are more precious than gold and silver or diamonds. If you can’t do anything at least give a smile to a person to return him smiling forever. 
Mr. Liyakat Shah 

Corruption A Blot on Society By Liyakat Shah

                                        Corruption A Blot on Society By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Corruption A Blot on Society Corruption the word itself symbolizes that anything that is done by fraud foul means to satisfy our greed for time being. It has various forms and names in order to hide from its identities of the word corruption. Many people also give it as a name of beautiful gifts to children or family members or what so ever but the intension remains the same that they want the particular work or thing to be done in their favour. It has also undergone specific changes in its form and now the graph of every nation has shown gradual rise in all government and private sectors. People pay the unnecessary amount, deal or thing to get their work done. Corruption has been deeply rooted in our body and only a fear of God can remove it. The amount of corruption has increased a lot and the sum is calculated by depending upon the work or a projects. People are seen planning out to get the desired amount in their department. Many people consider corruption as boon for them it is because they think that it is better to give bribe to get the work done in time or to have smooth functioning of our work. Actually it is the work of a person to do his or her work because the person is getting the so called salary for that work, but by giving an extra amount rather than salary would keep his concentration more on his work rather than other. People with such mentality spoil the society. If God has given a time being post to him than he or she should use it for the better purpose of the people and society and he should not keep his mouth open for any bribe or extra money from the people. The level of corruption increases in the society when people have no fearing from Almighty God, they tend to begin as if they may get all the amenities of luxurious and comfort by doing such nuisance. But actually they earn the money by fraud means. Look at the people of the world who are involve with such disease in spite of having all resources available they could not have a sound sleep on their bed and spent a sleepless day and night and look at the poor beggar who by eating rotten leftover food is so healthy and enjoys a sound sleep on the road. This is because the person is free from all malpractices. Corruption has almost entered in all spheres of life in every department and in every nation. Only in some developing nations where the Islamic laws are very strict where the culprit are shown their places by means of varying punishments depending upon their crime. Here it is to be noted that only God’s fear and laws are the principles that can put an end to corruption, and laws look very nice when we read it in a book but they are more fruitful and result oriented when they are implemented. Whoever the person may be either big or small all have the right to be asked or inquired if found guilty. No discrimination of any gender or status. All should be treated as equal before law. Hence forth from today onwards say no to corruption. Guide and help people by your valuable ideas that too free of cost. Humans are made for humanity and not for corruption and cheat. 
Mr. Liyakat Shah 

Mobile a boon for us By Liyakat Shah

                                            Mobile a boon for us By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Mobile a boon for us We are living in modern scientific world and daily we come across innumerable things in and around the world about various inventions by human beings by the grace and blessings of Almighty God. Many new inventions is and are being made and done in the field of electronics out of which mobile is one such inventions which would be a boon for humans if used in a right sense. Everything has two sides of coins if it is used for the good purpose than it may result in good deeds. If we have a different intensions than the result would be devastating As the time went on mobile also have undergone various changes in terms of look, appearance, colour, size and so on day by day its size is reduced and more functions are added to suit the needs of the people. It would not be wrong to say that it is a device that almost gives all in one facilities to people. It has become more handy and portable for us. It has all types of features that a person needs if he needs more advance than can log on to internet to get more updates on certain things. It can give related information in a fraction of seconds. It is a device which is used by literate as well as illiterate people. We can see the beautiful world around us. Its progress can be seen from the following conversation that A person says to his friend that it is sunrise here so he gets a reply that it is sunset here. So imagine that the communication is so fast that we can be in touch with our relatives and friends at joy or sorrow times. A text message or an email can be typed with ease can be send not only within the countries but we can send it in abroad with in a seconds. Hence make use of it for the best of best purpose. 
Mr. Liyakat Shah 

Intoxicants spoils your life By Liyakat Shah

                                        Intoxicants spoils your life By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Intoxicants spoils your life Now a days many people are addicted with many intoxicating things such as wine, liquor, tobacco, cigarettes, brown sugar, snack, drugs and so on they have a misconception that by consuming the so called materials would relax their tired mind and body form burden of tension. Actually it is not so our mind and body would have a sound sleep or tension free when we think of every aspect in a positive way. If we run away from the problem then we won’t taste the beauty of success. Every individual in this world has some or the other problems. People may get some time being satisfaction from such harmful nuisance but its results would be devastating for our body. No doubt the contents and elements in such intoxicants may give us sound sleep but that sleep is not in a natural way we have intended to make our mind fatigue by making use of extra ordinary elements to make our body feel like sleepy. God has given us beautiful night to sleep and day for working. Sleep is a natural phenomenon that our body wants after a hectic work and we begin to feel drossy and cross unless we have a proper place to rest our tired body. If one does not gets a sound sleep at night than it shows that he or she has some basic problems hovering over them. It is that thinking process that makes the person to think and think and so the mind could not concentrate and becomes unstable. If such series of questions comes in our mind than sleep vanishes away. Mostly teen age group are more addicted with intoxicating elements. It has become a fashion for them to consume such things to show their status. They may get timely happiness but as they grow than they may realize its destructive features. If one rejects taking in of such things then he is argued and teased to insist him or her to mere just taste and then it becomes a habit and is carried on for many years. One big problem in the society is that in order to satisfy their thirst for such things they often commit some unwanted crimes in or around to get needed money to purchase them. They even tend to sell things of their homes or relatives to get the needed things. So say no to drugs and say yes to life. Because Life is precious gift of God, Everyone in this world has some or the other big or small problems. Life is a combination of joy and sorrow once the teen life goes than it won’t come back again so take it as advantage and thank God for whatever He has given or wants to give you.
Quran says that This verse is commonly cited to prove that alcohol is forbidden:
O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone altars [to other than God] and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful. 5:90
May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy And Blessings upon whole Ummaah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus.  
Mr. Liyakat Shah 

Failure Does Not Mean You Have Failed By Liyakat Shah

                                Failure Does Not Mean You Have Failed By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Failure Does Not Mean You Have Failed Failure does not mean that you have failed it does means that you have a fresh start. A new bright sunshine is waiting behind the horizon to welcome you the next morning so wake up early and get into action again. Many people in this world are somewhat unlucky that in spite of several hardships they do not get the desired successful results of their choice and tend to become frustrated thereby by giving up that work and often think of those lucky icons who get success in mere just fraction of seconds. It does not mean that that they are lucky enough to have such position or a success. It is because that God has written success in their fortune as an instrument to measure that being made as a successful person does that person cares for the others, does he do some good work for the others does he or she cares for others or the society by his post, job or status. And if he goes exactly opposite or does not perform duties according to the will of God than whole acts becomes meaningless. God has given so much talent in all human beings by means of knowledge and so on people have almost become the masters of that department where do perform their work. But if this talent of successful person if not used for the purpose of people than there is no use of such hidden beauty Its real justice would be if that ability is shared and used for the betterment of the people and society. Similarly those people who are unsuccessful should not give up at any cost. After every dark cloud there are showers of rains. So after every sorrow and unsuccessfulness we have joy and success. Failure does not mean you have failed for whole life but it is just for a few moment it means again you have a chance to appear and it would add one more page of experience to your life. Plan out the departments of where you are lacking and don’t repeat such mistakes again do your home work at every work. Prepare yourself in advance take a nap and give rest to your body to get the desired rest to your body parts so that they can function smoothly at the time of appearing any event or work. Give time to your family and friends discuss with them issues about your personal and general. Give them confidence that this time surely you will turn out to be a winner. Successful person has a proper combination of mind and body in which both are evenly balanced. Of course a prayer to thank Almighty God for whatever He has given or wants to give you and to beg for our needs and success is must. We should surrender our cause only to God who governs whole universe of which we are also a part of it. It is His will and wish to give success to all human beings. If He has written better for us than we would definitely get at proper time and place and no one can stop us from it. 
Mr. Liyakat Shah