Failure Does Not Mean You Have Failed By Liyakat Shah
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Failure Does Not Mean You Have Failed
Failure does not mean that you have failed it does means that you have a fresh start. A new bright sunshine is waiting behind the horizon to welcome you the next morning so wake up early and get into action again. Many people in this world are somewhat unlucky that in spite of several hardships they do not get the desired successful results of their choice and tend to become frustrated thereby by giving up that work and often think of those lucky icons who get success in mere just fraction of seconds. It does not mean that that they are lucky enough to have such position or a success. It is because that God has written success in their fortune as an instrument to measure that being made as a successful person does that person cares for the others, does he do some good work for the others does he or she cares for others or the society by his post, job or status. And if he goes exactly opposite or does not perform duties according to the will of God than whole acts becomes meaningless. God has given so much talent in all human beings by means of knowledge and so on people have almost become the masters of that department where do perform their work. But if this talent of successful person if not used for the purpose of people than there is no use of such hidden beauty Its real justice would be if that ability is shared and used for the betterment of the people and society. Similarly those people who are unsuccessful should not give up at any cost. After every dark cloud there are showers of rains. So after every sorrow and unsuccessfulness we have joy and success. Failure does not mean you have failed for whole life but it is just for a few moment it means again you have a chance to appear and it would add one more page of experience to your life. Plan out the departments of where you are lacking and don’t repeat such mistakes again do your home work at every work. Prepare yourself in advance take a nap and give rest to your body to get the desired rest to your body parts so that they can function smoothly at the time of appearing any event or work. Give time to your family and friends discuss with them issues about your personal and general. Give them confidence that this time surely you will turn out to be a winner. Successful person has a proper combination of mind and body in which both are evenly balanced.
Of course a prayer to thank Almighty God for whatever He has given or wants to give you and to beg for our needs and success is must. We should surrender our cause only to God who governs whole universe of which we are also a part of it. It is His will and wish to give success to all human beings. If He has written better for us than we would definitely get at proper time and place and no one can stop us from it.
Mr. Liyakat Shah
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