Thursday, March 18, 2010

EID - UL - AZHA By Liyakat Shah

EID - UL - AZHA By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Eid-Ul-Azha is the greatest festival of muslim celebrated all over the world. It is celebrated annually and falls on the 10th day of Dhul Haj of the lunar Islamic calendar. It is since ages that the Sunnat of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) is being carried on and kept alive by Almighty God Allah Rabbul Izzat. Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) had a dream from Almighty God to sacrifice His beloved son Ismail (A.S) in the name of Allah. The festive activities of Eid last for consecutive three days. Eid-Ul-Azha occurs the day after the pilgrims conducting Haj, the annual pilgrimage at Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Muslims from worldwide irrespective of caste, creed, color, creed, tribe, nation or place gather in Mecca wearing same clothes and lined in one queue to seek blessings and mercy of Almighty God Allah. Even a king or a Prince of its time would stand next to a poor peasant or slave. There is no difference in any of kind, all wear same clothes and do same activities at one glance. 
The Arabic word for sacrifice is Qurban and in Kurdish it is said Cejna Qurbane and in Pashto it is Kurbaneyg Akhtar in Chinese it is Guebang Jie in Malay and Indonesian it is Hari Raya Korban in Turkish it is Kurban Bayrami. In India in Hindi and Urdu speaking areas say Baqra Eid.  Baqr is Arabic word which means goat or a cow. Every person who is well versed in terms of money or who has a very sound position in terms of wealth is entitle to do sacrifice of animal rather we can say it is mandatory for a rich people, and also those people who can afford to do so can do it. Domestic animals such as goats, sheep, cow, ox, camels are used for sacrifice. The animal chosen for sacrifice must be of best of best quality in terms of look, health and appearance. Any defects in his physical or mental department are unacceptable for sacrifice. Similarly the animal should also meet the age factor. In small animals we have just one share and in big animal we have seven shares, which can be owned by either one person or seven different people. The meat is to be divided into three parts one for poor and needy people, another for relatives and last share for us. Men, women and children are dressed in the finest clothing to perform the Solat of Eid-Ul-Azha either in an open ground known as Eidgah or even at mosque. The festival teaches us to sacrifice our beloved things in the name of Allah Rabbul Izzat.

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy And Blessings upon whole Ummaah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus. 

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Monday, March 15, 2010

Misonceptions About Hijab By Liyakat Shah


                                Misconceptions Of Hijab By Liyakat Shah
                        In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The literal meaning of melodious word Hijab means to cover. Hijab is the part and parcel of females residing around the globe. However there are many misconceptions about it in the minds of the people. Hijab has been used since ages and even today it is worn by muslim ladies in the world. Depding upon the time hijab has also undergone many
specific changes from time to time, but the intention is firm and remains the same as to cover one's body. It has undergone various changes in terms of cloth, look, shape,
size, lusture, colour, design, appearance and so on. There are many nations which are famous for making classic scarfs and hijab Indonesian and Malaysian scarfs and hijab
are famous worldwide. There are skillful workers who blend to make the master piece of it. It is referred by many names such as hijab, jijab, naqab, burkha, batik, veil and so on. Hijab is nothing but a type of covering female body to prevent any kind of exposure to males. By wearing hijab a lady can move freely in markets, public places, duties and so on. There is no kind of any restrictions and so on from the point of women. It is carried on since ages and sisters around the world should prevent this legacy. Hijab reflects islamism. By hijab a women feels much secure and relived. Hijab adds beauty to her appearance. There are many muslim women who participate in sportive events by wearing special type of hijab specially worn for sports purpose. Now adays even non.muslims girls and women intend to wear scarfs in order to protect themselves from
cold and hot sun. It is so that hijab has many advantages hidden in it. It acts as protective coverings for weather. It also allows them to make their movements freely in
order to walk or do any manual work with ease and comfort. It makes lady to feel much relax from all kind of bondage. Hence there should not be any kind of misconceptions regarding hijab. It should be welcomed with proud, honour and dignity. She is not only a girl but also a sister, wife, women and grandma. So she has full right to cover her body the way she likes. Our happiness lies in appreciation and not in criticism.

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy And Blessings upon whole Ummaah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus. 

Mr. Liyakat Shah