Thursday, May 21, 2020

Give True And Honest Judgments By Liyakat Shah

Give True And Honest Judgments By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Judgment a procedure by which one may ruin or build anyone’s life or character. But this judgment should be given honestly without favoring any one and the person who is giving judgment ought to have a profound knowledge of giving judgment to favor true justice irrespective of caste and creed. A judge who is giving judgments should consider opinions of both the parties before giving any judgments if judgment is giving by considering only one side or person than it is a wrong judgment because only one side or party has the right to speak, on the contrary both the sides should have been given equal time and freedom to speak keep their opinions before the judge, than views of examine and cross examining should be done than judgment should be given truly and honestly without favoring any one side. Similarly poor, down trodden and backward class should be given equal opportunity to speak and put forth their cases and clauses so that these things may have firmness and strong position from their point. Judgment is very sensitive and one should think a lot a before giving any judgment because it may make his life prosperous and happy and if he is haunted by wrong judgment than it may destroy his life. Even a beggar slave or peasant should be given equal judgment without considering his status or family background. Judgment can be true and honest when the judge himself is pious honest and truthful and if he has fallen prey to any mal practice than  we cannot expect clean and true judgment because mal practice has closed his vision to see the truth and honesty in cases. Here the judgment is rotated between false and cheat. They should have fear of God and not of any humans in giving true judgment. It is this true judgment that the culprit would get legal punishment and crime would be stopped and people may believe in judiciary and have faith in it. Hence all people would approach to court for any of evil things. Judge the case by its principles of judging and not by people who wants to favor in their side. Both the parties should be given ample time to clarify their cases and do consider the case in terms of evidence and witness which would make the case more simple and to derive truth from it to give true judgment. Remember if any false or wrong judgment is given lacking in terms of evidence, proof or witness than the person who gave judgment would be responsible for that. Hence think a lot before giving judgment in any ones favors. So always give true and honest judgment without fearing any one. Remember one has to answer about the given judgment to Almighty God so think before you give judgment So think a lot before you give any judgments.

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus.

Mr. Liyakat Shah    

Give the rights of all those who has a right on you By Liyakat Shah

                    Give the rights of all those who has a right on you By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Alhamdulliha Islam says to obey rights of everyone. There are rights for many things and it is the responsibility of we people to follow them which would lead us to the gates of Heaven. It is also a Sunnat of our beloved Prophet Mohammad (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) Rights binds the society in true sense and the society progresses if people in the society follow it whole heartedly with the fear of Almighty God. In today’s world the developing nations are progressive because of rights.

Narrated Abu Juhaifa (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):

The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) made a bond of brotherhood between Salman and Abu Ad-Darda.' Salman paid a visit to Abu Ad-Darda' and found Um Ad-Darda' dressed in shabby clothes and asked her why she was in that state. She replied, "Your brother Abu Ad-Darda' is not interested in (the luxuries of) this world."

In the meantime Abu Ad-Darda' came and prepared a meal for Salman. Salman requested Abu Ad-Darda' to eat (with him), but Abu Ad-Darda' said, "I am fasting." Salman said, "I am not going to eat unless you eat." So, Abu Ad-Darda' ate (with Salman). When it was night and (a part of the night passed), Abu Ad-Darda' got up (to offer the night prayer), but Salman told him to sleep and Abu Ad-Darda' slept.

After sometime Abu Ad-Darda' again got up but Salman told him to sleep.
When it was the last hours of the night, Salman told him to get up then, and both of them offered the prayer. Salman told Abu Ad-Darda', "Your Lord has a right on you, your soul has a right on you, and your family has a right on you; so you should give the rights of all those who has a right on you." Abu Ad-Darda' came to the Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) and narrated the whole story. The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, "Salman has spoken the truth."
Bukhari Vol. 3: No. 189

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah



Friend Of Birds By Liyakat Shah

Friend Of Birds By Liyakat Shah

            In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Dr. Salim Ali is one of the most widely known Ornithologists in the world today. It was the undying curiosity of a ten year old Salim in 1906 that turned into an international acclaimed bird scientist. Even as a child, Salim Ali was found of roaming in the free atmosphere of nature. For this reason he also failed to complete his education. Salim Ali was born on November 12 1896, when he grew up, he was sent to Burma to help his brother in his work. In Burma, Salim Ali’s heart lay in observing different kinds of birds.

When he returned home his interest in birds developed into a passion and he took a formal training to become an Ornithologist. He was appointed as a guide in the museum of the famous Bombay Natural History society. Then he proceeded to Germany for higher studies in this field.

 On his return to India, Salim Ali came to known that his post had been abolished which rendered him jobless. With whatever he had he bought a house near Bombay port. There he studied the behavior of weaver birds through his keen observation.

 Salim Mohiyuddi Abdul Ali, was a renowned ornithologist from India

 Dr. Salim Mohiyuddi Abdul Ali, known widely as Salim Ali, who authored invaluable books on birds and was honoured by nation with some of its most covetable awards like the Padmabhushan (1958) and Padmavibhushan (1976) His services were recognized internationally too. He was made a national professor of ornithology in 1982. His books include 'The Book of Indian Birds' (1941) considered the 'Bible' of ornithologists, 'The Birds of Kutch' (1945), 'The Birds of Travancore and Cochin(1953)', The Indian Hillbirds' (1949), 'a Handbook of Birds of India and Pakistan',

He died on July 27 1987 at Bombay.

Mr. Liyakat Shah



Forgiveness Has Many Rewards By Liyakat Shah

            Forgiveness Has Many Rewards By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 

Forgiveness implies a fact not to retaliate against any acts of a person. The person or a people may have only one intension to abuse, torture and insult others. But people who are very much patience with their nature and behavior never fall to such circumstances. In spite of such ill treatment a person who adopts the path of forgiveness is really a winner, who defeats the opponent mere just by silence in spite of violence and insult from other side. Forgiveness has very important place in Islam and only those people would be benefited who either experiment these principle of forgiveness in their life or get desired results without any quarrels and conflicts. Forgiving a person does not make a person defeated or small but on the contrary it defeats the opponent and makes us proud that we have not appreciated violence and defeated the measures of devil that is shaytan who wants just quarrels and conflicts among two or more Muslim brothers and sisters. Forgiveness is not a small act but it would make you get reward from God. Forgiveness is experimented only by those people who understand it and its consequences. For them present world has no importance they think about the world hereafter. For them quarrels and envy has no place in their dwellings and just live a simple life.

 Remember forgiving a person who has abused or tortured us is not an easy job and takes big decisions to take from our heart both are exactly opposites of each other one has violence and other has non-violence. The principle of forgiveness was best seen, preached and practiced by Holy Prophet Mohammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) and His companions. Forgiveness has best rewards for a person who experiment it in his or her life.

 Allah says in Holy Quran

"Pardon (people) and overlook (their faults). Don't you love that Allah should forgive you." (24:22)

 "(The dutiful are) those who restrain their anger and pardon people Allah loves those who do good to others." (3:134)

 "Whenever they (true believers) are angry they forgive." (42:37)

 "The recompense of evil is punishment like it. But whoever forgives (an evil committed against himself) and amends (matters), his reward is with Allah. . . . Whoever is patient and forgives that is a matter of great resolution." (42:40, 43)

 When the Holy Prophet Muhammad defeated his enemies in Makka and returned to that city as its conqueror, he forgave them in the following words

"No reproof be against you this day; Allah may forgive you, and He is the most Merciful of those who show mercy." (12:92)

May Allah Subhano Watala give us Hidayat to forgive people and their faults. Ameen.

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah


Fear of God By Liyakat Shah

Fear of God By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Mercifu

Fear an act that makes a person shiver or frightened be it in public or personal and if a person posses such quality of fearing Almighty God than this action would keep him  on the right path of his life and would be benefited in this world as well as the life after his death. Many a times in life a person may get an easy opportunity either to cheat, betray God or someone or to misuse his post or status to be benefitted from it, to improve his standard of living but if the so called procedure is rejected by mere on grounds of fear of God than it is a sign of a true believer of God not only by heart by all his means and firm belief and action.

Many times a person thinks that there is no one to keep a watch on his personal movements and often commits some minor to major crimes. At such times he or she is funded by the shaytan or the devil who feels very proud and happy if any person commits or thinks of doing any bad work. The devil makes the act of crimes very simple and gives nice amazing innovative thoughts in the mind of a person so as to how to implement and tackle with such situations, he insists to try some new and old tricks and get temporary satisfaction and relief by removing fear of God from the mind of a person. devil always feels very happy when a person commits any mistake, sins or crimes, he wants people to give up fear of God for once and always and do those odd things that would take him  far away from the fear of God in order to do those unwanted things that his heart likes to do which would lead him to destruction, he supports fully to cross any limits to fulfill the person’s lust and desires for unwanted things and beautiful charms.


But in this complex world there are also people who clearly understand the steps of shaytan and they are very much aware of such tactics and do not allow the devil to be successful in his mission they know how to deal with the situations and it is fear of God that they have constant true and honest behavior be it personal or general or in public. Their heart is the guide for them which guides them at every step they take.  They clearly understand the mission of devil and what he wants them to do. They are very much cautious and curb all steps of shaytan. They never allow any opportunity to be given to him to gain any advantage. For them fear of God is the topmost point that too in any circumstances. If any problem befalls on them than they do not become sad or keep on complaining, but on the contrary they welcome it smile and bear it with patience. They have high esteem and moral, there heart has a fear of God

May we humans have a soft heart to have true fear of Almighty God Allah Jalleshahnao Ameen

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus 

Mr. Liyakat Shah


Fast In Islam By Liyakat Shah

            Fast In Islam By Liyakat Shah

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

‘O those who believe, the fasts have been enjoined upon you as were enjoined upon those before so that you be God-fearing.’ [Surah Baqarah, 183]

Literally, Sawm means ‘to abstain’. In the terminology of Islamic law, Sawm means ‘to abstain from eating, drinking and sexual intercourse: with the conditions that one abstains continuously from dawn to sunset, and that there is an intention to fast.’ Therefore, if one eat or drink anything even a minute before sunset, the fast will not be valid. Similarly, if one abstained from all these things throughout the day but made no intention to fast, there will be no fast here too.

The verse makes it obligatory for the Muslims to fast in a specified period, but the command in the respect has been accompanied by the statement that the obligation of fasting is not peculiar to them. The fasting had also been enjoined upon the earlier Ummahs (communities of the past prophets). The reference to the earlier Ummahs in the verse shows the importance of fasting on the one hand, and gives an encouragement to the Muslims on the other. It indicates that although there may be some inconvenience in fasting but the same inconvenience was faced by earlier communities. This brings a psychological comfort to the Muslims, because if an inconvenience is faced by a large number of people, it becomes easier to bear. (Ruh al Ma’ani)

The words of the Qur’an (those before you) have been used in general sense including all religious communities from Sayyidina Adam to the last of the Prophets (peace and blessings upon him). This tells us that, like Salah, fasting has also been enjoined upon every Ummah of every prophet without exception. There may have been difference in the number and the timings of the fasts etc. and, actually, there has been such a difference. (Ruh al Ma’ani)

By saying (so that you be God-fearing), the text has pointed out to the inherent quality of fasting which contributes significantly to one’s ability to become abstaining from the sins and God-fearing. Fasting grows into man a power which helps him control his desires, which is really the foundation of Taqwa, the very special term of the Holy Qur’an which has been tentatively translated as fear of God, abstinence, and the warding of evil.

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah



Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Explanation of Surah No 114 of Quran AN-NAS (The Mankind)

Explanation of Surah No 114 of Quran AN-NAS (The Mankind)

                            In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This is an Early Meccan Surah. The Second of the two Suras crying for refuge and protection In this Surah the protection is sought especially from the evil in a man’s own heart and in the hearts of other men.

These two Suras i.e. 113 and 114 are known as Al-Muawwadhateyn, “the two cries for refuge and protection”

In this Surah appeal is made to seek Allah’s protection from the internal factors which might affect the individuals. Therefore we should have trust in Allah, our Lord rather than man as our sure shield. It specially warns us against the secret whispers of evil within our own hearts.

Allah advises His Messenger (PBUH) (to tell them) to seek refuge with your Lord who is the Creator, the Cherisher of all, thus He cares for His mankind. He provides them with all the means for living as well as for their protection against evil. He is the King of Mankind, gives them Guidance for their welfare with His Laws. He is the One that His mankind must return to give the accounts of their deeds. Allah will be the Supreme Judge and He is the Final Goal in the Hereafter.

Allah advises to seek His refuge Only from the evil whispers who deceive man with their flowery talks again and again, secretly whisper evil and then withdraw to make net more alluring and tempting to stray them. This power of evil may be Satan, or evil man or invisible Jinns or it could be their own evil selves working within themselves by way of different greeds and temptations to wrong them, and to excite them to rebel against Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) and His Holy Books and cross His land Boundaries.

When it fails to stray them in his way then it comes sweetly with different door showing all green and beauty of the sins telling them subconsciously as not to worry since your Lord is Most Merciful, Oft forgiving. And when this method fails then it makes sure to create a lot of enemies for them so that by going through the persecutions and oppressions, they will be forced to leave their righteous ways. Therefore you should ask the protection of your Lord from all these evil forces.

In the tradition it says that after the Treaty of Hudaibya when the Prophet (PBUH) returned to Media around 7th Hijra, when a group of Jews came to Medina and met a popular sorcerer from the tribe of Bani Zariq and did witchcraft on the Prophet (PBUH) which made him very ill. Then the Angel Gabriel came and advised Him to read these two Suras (113 and 114) continuously. Therefore the Prophet (PBUH) advised you to read these two Suras when you go to bed at nights and when you get up in the mornings and blow on yourself.


At the end we must know the importance of the arrangement of the Holy Qur’an which was completed in twenty three years. Surah “Al-Fateha” was kept at the start of the Holy Book, which is a prayer that the man praise his Lord, who is the Sustainer, Cherisher, the Most Gracious, Merciful, Oft forgiving and the Master of the Day of Judgement to guide him and to show him the Right way of those on whom He showered His Mercy and not of those of stray ones on whom He brought His Wrath.

At the end the Holy Book ends with a prayer that a man ask refuge from the Lord of Day break, the King and Supreme Judge of Mankind who is Only a True God to protect him from all sorts of evil arising from outer and inner nature, from the man’s own evil greed and intentions from all sorts of danger and from all sorts of evil plotting of men and Jinns to keep us in His protection to save us going wrong.

I pray to Allah, calling Him Alone to protect us from all wrongs and to guide us on His Righteous ways and to give us will power to be firm on His True Faith, to follow Him and His Messenger (PBUH). So that our Lord will be pleased with us and shower on us the Gifts of Heave Amen


 The Summary is taken from the Book "The Pearls Of Wisdom" by Mrs. Badria Kazim (May Allah shower Blessings And Mercy upon Her)

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Explanation of Surah No 113 of Quran AL-FALAQ (The Dawn)

        Explanation of Surah No 113 of Quran AL-FALAQ (The Dawn)

                    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

THIS IS AN Early Meccan Surah. ‘The Dawn’ or the ‘Day Break’ takes its name from its name from word in the first verse. This and the following Surah are prayers for protection, this one being from fears proceeding from the unknown and from every kind of ill arising from outer nature and from darkness and evil plotting and every kind of fear, superstitions, danger and envy on the part of others.

The Prophet (PBUH) in his Mission, calling to worship One True God and cancelling the falsehood of the Meccan Pagans created a lot of enemies for himself. The Pagan Quraish tried to compromise with him by offering him wealth, kingdom etc. so that he will co-operate with them in their Polytheism of worshipping several gods. But the Prophet (PBUH) was very firm on his Faith. Therefore the Pagans tried to do evil plots against him to kill him or harm him or to do black magic on him so that he would become ill or mentally affected His worst enemy was Abu Jahal, whose jealousy was that why a Prophet (PBUH) was chosen from Abd Manaf which was the tribe of the Prophet (PBUH).

In those days the dark nights were full of awe, Most of the evil, robbery, rape attacks used to take place in silent dark nights so Pagans could never had peaceful sleep. These were the circumstances when this and the following Suras were revealed.

In this Allah advises His messenger (PBUH) (and to preach the others) to take refuge in your Lord Alone, since He is your Creator. So He knows you and your need well. When your Lord has the power to split the darkness of Nights to bring the Daybreak to give you peace of mind, otherwise if the darkness will remain forever, so your dangers will never end Therefore He has the power to protect you. So the best guard against it to take protection with the Lord of the Daybreak, Who with His Power can split the depth of darkness and produce the light, so same way taking refuge in Divine Guidance, He can remove all said evils from you.

Since He Alone is your Creator, So he is aware of all the mischiefs and He Alone can remove it from you by coming in His protection. You call your falsehood of your Reverends, Pundits, Guru, idols or even Jinns for protection which is useless since they do not know nor they know the kind of protection you need so how could they help you.

Those days when the Pagans used to cross some dark valleys, they used to call Jinns, the king of valley to protect them from any harm. So Allah says that instead you should take refuge with your Lord from the witchcraft, charms especially practiced by perverted women taking the help of Satan and evil spirits which is one of the seven big sins which Allah doesn’t forgive

In the end Allah says to seek protection with your Lord alone from the mischiefs of the envious people who want to destroy your happiness of material, spiritual or any goodness that you enjoy with their jealousy and false rumours.

The Summary is taken from the Book "The Pearls Of Wisdom" by Mrs. Badria Kazim (May Allah shower Blessings And Mercy upon Her)

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah


Explanation of Surah No 112 of Quran Al-Ikhlas (The Purity)

Explanation of Surah No 112 of Quran Al-Ikhlas (The Purity)

                In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This also is an Early Meccan Surah.

Prophet Mohammad (Peace and Blessings upon Him) was given the Prophecy by Allah and he was ordered by his Lord to invite people towards the True faith.

The Meccan Pagans had different beliefs e.g. Saabi used to worship the stars while ‘Majousi’ worshipped the fire. Some of them worshipped different idols of gods and goddesses, having human faces and bodies, and some animal forms.

Their belief was that their gods need food and drinks. Some believed that He had a son e.g. Jews believe uzair as son of God Christians believe that Jesus is son of God. Some believe that Angels are daughters of Allah and they used to furnish their idols with jewelry and believed that they belong closed to Allah would take their calls or needs to Him. Although they believed in One True God, who is the Creator, Sustainer and Cherisher of all but they use to make all above falsehood His partners and used to give His attributes to their made gods.

To hear the invitation of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings upon Him) to worship One Allah Only made the Pagan surprised at the beginning. Therefore the Pagans made many inquires and was very inquisitive to know about Allah asking the Prophet with different questions e.g. to describe His Nature, with what He was made of, what are His qualities. They believed that He is the Creator and Sustainer of all, so they used to call Him ‘Allah’ and their made idols gods as ‘Ilaha’. Therefore this was revealed by Allah in which in few words the Nature of Allah was indicated.

Allah says to His Messenger (Peace and Blessings upon Him) to tell them that He is the One Whom you all know and He is not any new to you. He is the Only One our worship is due and no one else. He has no partners. He does not want anyone to share in His Realm, He is not in need of anyone nor anything but we do all need Him. He is Eternal without any end and He is Eternal without having any need.

So this Surah was revealed by Allah in which in few words the nature of Allah is indicated.

Allah then tell His messenger (Peace and Blessings upon Him) to tell that Allah is the One Whom you know whose Nature is to sublime. He is the most Exalted beyond our limited conceptions.  He is near us, He cares for us. We owe our existence to him. He is the Creator of all the Universe. He is One and only One God to whom our worships is due No one is His partner nor any one share in His Realm. We need Him but He doesn’t need us. He is Eternal, absolute, nor limited by time or shape. All other things are His creatures and nothing is comparable to Him. He has no Son, Mother or daughters. His qualities and Nature are unique. He does not need a son to carry His generation or to give him strength and power. Absolute Existence can only be predicted to Him.

Their false gods depend on their worshippers which prove as how they can help. Everything will perish but Allah will remain. He is not human to produce children to follow human pattern.

Therefore he Alone is Worthy of Worship. This cancels the idea of polytheism and warns us against Anthropomorphism (that is to believe that Allah had human form and human qualities)

So truly there is nor was nor can be anyone like Him. Thus he Alone has Rights of Worship.

The foundation of Quran based on three things.

1)   To believe in One True God and not to make any partners to Him and offer our thanks and worship to One Allah Alone.

2)   To believe in all His messengers.

3)   To believe in the day of Judgments, its rewards and punishment.

4)   According to the traditions, the Prophet (Peace and Blessings upon Him) granted this Surah as one third of the whole Quran.

5)   Whoever read this Surah once will get the rewards of one third of the Holy Quran.

The Summary is taken from the Book "The Pearls Of Wisdom" by Mrs. Badria Kazim (May Allah shower Blessings And Mercy upon Her)

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Explanation of Surah No 111 of Quran Al-Lahab (The Flame)

Explanation of Surah No 111 of Quran Al-Lahab (The Flame)

                       In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This is very early Meccan Surah and probably was revealed at the time when Islam’s worse enemy (an uncle of Prophet PBUH) grew bitter against his Nephew Mohammed (PBUH) for he was chosen as a Messenger (PBUH) for he was chosen as a Messenger by Allah to Preach the True Faith, to worship One True God and cancelling all their false gods and warning them about the Day of Judgement and its rewards and punishments.

Therefore he used to try his level best to defeat the Message of Allah.

The society at that time was such that there was no security for anyone. So for this reason each tribe and family used to unite amongst themselves. But when the Prophet (PBUH) started his Mission to bring his people on Righteous, so Abu Lahab, the Father of Flame, which was his nickname for his fierce hot temper broke the ties of kinship of Prophet, cursing him by saying “Eternal death on him”. Abu Lahab was very proud of his wealth and power, may be having many sons; therefore he thought that he could destroy the voice of Allah.

Therefore Allah reveals that the two hands of Abu Lahab will soon perish. He will not succeed to overthrow the power of Islam. Instead Islam will grow higher each day and Abu Lahab soon will be defeated.

This was the future prediction for his fate revealed by Allah. Hence hardly eight years passed after the revelation of this Surah that many of the leaders of Quraish who opposed the True Faith perished at the Battle of Badr and Abu Lahab perished within few days of the news of their defeat at Badr. He died pathetically by malignant tumor. His relatives and children refused to go near him, and no one wanted to bury him. Thus his body got decomposed and smelly and at the end his children paid someone to burn his body. Therefore this was his fate in this world but worse will be in the Hereafter.

Therefore Allah says that all his wealth did not cure him nor his power of children helped him in his illness and in his death nor he could blot Islam. Truly all these were just waste that he was so proud of it.

Abu Lahab was very cruel man and a bitter enemy to his Nephew Prophet Mohammad (PBHU), who was his neighbor. Whenever he will see the Prophet preaching, he will purposely make so much noise, so no one should hear Him. Also at the death of Prophet’s two sons, he celebrated and announced that he will no more have his generations to carry the Faith, so the Faith soon get blotted. When this Surah was revealed, so his anger grew, taunting and persecuting the Prophet. So Allah says that Blazing Fire will be his fate.

His wife was also very cruel woman, full of hatrated for the Prophet (PBHU). She used to throw the thorns on the way of the Prophet and leave the thorns at outside his door at dark nights to cause him bodily injury. She used to wear a heavy necklace in her neck and used to say that will sell it and use the money to destroy the Prophet. Allah says that on the Day of Account she will have a twisted rope in her neck enough to suffocate her and she will be dragged in her permanent abode of Blazing Fire.

This Surah carries the general lesson that cruelty ultimately ruins itself. The one rages against Holy things is burnt up in his own rage. His hands which are instrument of his action, perished and himself perished and the evil lead to his pathetic destruction. No boasted wealth or power or position could save him.

The Summary is taken from the Book "The Pearls Of Wisdom" by Mrs. Badria Kazim (May Allah shower Blessings And Mercy upon Her)

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Explanation of Surah No 110 of Quran An-Nasr (The Help)

Explanation of Surah No 110 of Quran An-Nasr (The Help)

                       In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This beautiful Surah was the last of the Suras to be revealed as a whole. The date of this Surah was only a few months before the passing away of the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings upon Him) from this world in the Month of Rabi 1. Hijra 11.

The place of Revelation of this Surah was Muna, in Mecca at his farewell Pilgrimage in Zulhajja Hijra 10 or in Medina after return from His farewell Pilgrimage.

In the legend it say that the Holy Prophet (Peace And Blessings Upon Him) after the revelation of this Surah said that he has been given the news by His Lord that His end has come and He has to leave this world.

In this Surah Allah revealed to His Messenger ( Peace And Blessings Upon Him) that when Mecca would win and tribes after tribes would enter into Islam and accept His invitation of True Faith, then it means that His time is over, ready for departure from this world. That means His Mission is completed.

The Meccan Pagans used to persecute the Prophet (Peace and Blessings upon Him for He used to invite people on True Faith and anyone who would accept his Message had to go through hardship. Therefore the Prophet (Peace and Blessings upon Him) and His Believers had to migrate to Yathrab (Medina). But the Meccan Quraish followed them but did not succeed. The Medina people (Ansaar) welcomed them and gave them help and friendly hands and many of them accepted the Messenger) Peace and Blessings upon Him) and His True Faith. Gradually all the outlaying parts of Arabia accepted Islam and the bloodless conquest of Mecca was the crown and prize of His patience by Allah’s Grace and Mercy.

Allah orders His Prophet (Peace And Blessings Upon Him) to humble Himself before Allah, that now his task of this world is over, therefore should thank and praise His Lord that by His Grace and Mercy He succeeded to complete successfully His Mission and Allah advises His Messenger (Peace And Blessings Upon Him) to ask for forgiveness from His Lord for any kind of His mistake in carrying His Mission. And now He should strive hard for His Hereafter by ample prayers and thanks giving. He also should ask for forgiveness and Mercy from His Lord for his people.

The lesson in this Surah is that all victory comes from Allah and the victory is the Crown of the service with only help of Allah. Everyone should humble himself before Allah, confess his human weakness and ask for His forgiveness in repentance. And any success that he gets should be considered as Allah’s Grace and Mercy and not due to his own merits. And any sacrifice that he gives in striving in His good cause and as many humble prayers he offered to his Lord, he should never think that he has not done good enough to please his Lord so he should always ask His forgiveness since He is Oft-forgiving.

The Summary is taken from the Book "The Pearls Of Wisdom" by Mrs. Badria Kazim (May Allah shower Blessings And Mercy upon Her)

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Explanation of Surah No 109 of Quran Al- Kafirun (The Disbelivers)

Explanation of Surah No 109 of Quran Al- Kafirun (The Disbelivers)

                In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This is an Early Meccan Surah. It defines the right attitude to those who rejects Faith, in matters of Truth we can make no compromise.

In the early days of the Mission of the Prophet (PBUH) when he started inviting the Meccan Pagans to accept the True Faith, i.e. the Message of the Lord of the Universe, to worship One True God Only and cancelling their false gods, so there arose a chaos and bitterness against the Prophet and His Message of Faith. But the Quraish chiefs had still hope that they could compromise with the Prophet (PBUH). They suggested to him that they could give Him plenty wealth or they could give Him the honour and accept Him as their chief for the reason that he should leave their gods alone and not to interfere in their ancestral worships. They also suggested that One year the Prophet (PBUH) should worship their gods and the next year they will worship His One True God. In the tradition it says that on these suggestions the Prophet (PBUH) replied to them that He would see what His Lord gives Him the order. Thus this Surah was revealed to give them the warrant against their Pagan worship and disconnect their ancestral ways of worship from the worship of One True God.

In this Surah Allah tells His Messenger (PBUH) to give His Message to all the disbelievers including the Christians and Jews who reject His Messenger Mohammad (PBUH) and His Holy Book of Quran. In the tradition, Messenger advised the Believers to read this Surah at bed time since this will disconnect you from all the false worships.

The Pagan’s Ancestral worship was not only one kind but worship of different deities such as Sun, Moon, Stars, idols of gods and goddesses in human or animal forms, human spirits, the pious dead Reverends and their graves. This meant that they gave the Attributes of Allah to their falsehood and makes Allah’s own Creation His partners. In different time and age these ways of worships varied, such as different disbelievers follow different worship. It has never been one kind of worship that all the disbelievers followed. Even today same is in practice. For symbolic idols may be instruments for safe guarding the privileges of selfish priest and their ambition, greed or lust of private individuals. In comparison all the Believers follow One way of worshipping One True God Only, which is the True worship that Islam teaches us.


 Here Allah gives order to His Messenger (PBUH) to tell these Pagans that I worship only One True God, the Lord of all, of you as well as mine and I have firm believe that no one shares in His Realm. But you on account of vested interest have not the will to give up your false worships which are wrong and has no value.


Allah says to His Messenger (PBUH) to tell them that I having been given the Truth and cannot at all come to your false ways, you having your vested interest, will not give them up therefore the responsibility is yours, since I have already shown you the Right way. And for my way, the responsibility is mine. You will not succeed to ask me to give up my way of worship. Our consequences are different as well when we see the Reality on The Final Day. Your persecution will be in vain. The Truth must lead in the end. So hold fast to the Truth to be successful in both the worlds.

The Summary is taken from the Book "The Pearls Of Wisdom" by Mrs. Badria Kazim (May Allah shower Blessings And Mercy upon Her)

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Explanation of Surah No 108 of Quran Al- Kauthar (A River In Paradise)

Explanation of Surah No 108 of Quran Al- Kauthar (A River In Paradise)

                In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

 This is an Early Meccan Surah.

The Prophet (Peace and Blessings upon Him) when started his Mission inviting the Pagans Quraish and the Meccan Pagans on True Faith to worship One True God Only and not to make any partners to Him, thus cancelling all their made gods and goddesses. Thus this created a lot of enemies to the Prophet. The Pagans will call him mad, taunt Him and mock Him. And when he lost his two sons Qasim and Abdulla, so his bitter enemies Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab celebrated instead of giving condolence, mocking that he will have no one to carry his Faith and after Him soon this Faith will die out. The Prophet (Peace and Blessings upon Him) also lost his business, was cut off from all his relatives and was going through vary hard time.

These were the situations when Allah has given Him a lot of confidence in many places in Quran example in Surah 94 verse 4. Allah says that He raised his fame high; every Muslim takes His name with respect and will do so until the end of this world. Also in Surah 93 Verse 4. Allah says to His Messenger that Hereafter will be for Him that the present one. And He will give you something which you will be happy.

Therefore in this Surah as well Allah gives comfort and confidence and advice Him to have patience and not to give up His mission but keep on preaching and the success will be at his doorstep. His name will be taken with Allah in the call for each Prayer. He will be bestowed upon with ample Bounties in this world and in Hereafter and he will have a lot of followers. And his Message of True Faith worldwide. But his enemies will surely be let down and everyone will take their names with hatred until the end of the world and many more punishment for them in the Hereafter by their Lord.

Then Allah guarantees His Messenger (Peace and Blessings upon Him) that he will grant Him in the Hereafter “A River named “Kauthur” in the Paradise. On the Day of Judgment Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings upon Him) will lead His Believers with good deeds to a very large well also called “Kauthur”. Its water will be filled from a River called “Kauthur” in Paradise. Its water will be whiter than milk, cooler than ice and sweater than honey. Its sand is perfumed more than musk and the banks of which are made of tents with pearls. And only those followers would join Him who were True Believers and who would obey and follow the Messenger (Peace and Blessings upon Him) and who would strive hard with all their self, efforts and goods in the cause of Allah. But those who disobeyed Him and changed and crossed the Boundaries of Allah to suit their daily life would not be allowed near this well. Anyone who would be blessed with water would want to drink more and more.

Then Allah says that in Paradise His Lord will bestow upon His Messenger (Peace and Blessings upon Him) a perfect gifts ‘A River named ‘Kauthar”. In the tradition it says that the Prophet was shown his gift of River Kauthar by Angel Gabriel on the Night of Ascend to Heaven (on Rajab 27th)

Therefore Allah says to His Messenger (Peace and Blessings upon Him) that it is not you but your enemies are badly defeated in every field and cut off from all sides and all fields and will be granted severe punishments in the Hereafter.

Then Allah says to worship One True God and Bow to Him Alone. And any sacrifice you do, then do it for Him, taking His Name and not anyone else name since by doing so you will make partners to Him. (But if you want at the time of sacrificed of animal you can take His Name and ask Him in a very humble way to give its reward to so and so).

Allah says that He is not in need of the flesh of your sacrifice but He only wants your piety and devotion.

Since those days the Pagan Arabs used to give the sacrifices to their idol gods and goddesses so Allah has given the order to His Messenger (Peace And Blessings Upon Him) to stop them doing so and not to follow their Ancestral ways, but bow to One True God Who is the Creator, Sustainer and Cherisher of all.

The Summary is taken from the Book "The Pearls Of Wisdom" by Mrs. Badria Kazim (May Allah shower Blessings And Mercy upon Her)

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah

Explanation of Surah No 107 of Quran Al-Maun (The Small Kindness)

Explanation of Surah No 107 of Quran Al-Maun (The Small Kindness)

                    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This Surah belongs to the Early Meccan Period, but according to some commentators it was revealed in Medina (Allah Known better)

The subject matter of this Surah is the rejection of the Day of Judgenment, its rewards and punishments. Its theme is to show that man degrade himself by having worse behavior and arrogant character due to the denial of the Day of Accounts.

Also it opens up the character of Hypocrites who pretends to be Muslim but empty hearted just to show off.

In the beginning of this Surah Allah says that have you seen him who denies the judgment Day? I.e. just look at his character and note his arrogance and fearless behavior, and you know why? Because he just does not believe that he will be resurrected to give his accounts. He thinks that he can do what he likes and no one will catch him, and punish him. In fact look  at this sort of man, he torture the orphan left in his custody just because the orphan is weak and immature, so he thinks that he can swallow his belongings left for him and no one is there to question him. And next he does not look down on charities of feeding the poor nor does he encourage others to do so. He in fact becomes mean and selfish. He treats the helpless with contempt and injustice and has no fear of the Day of Judgment. And what about Hypocrites who count themselves in Muslims but their hearts are empty of Faith, they only pretend to be with Muslims.

They neglected their prayers and do not give any importance to it. They take the prayers as heavy burden. They neglected the time when call is made for prayer, neither they concentrate not devote themselves seriously. Oh yes they remember to pray when they have some difficulties, but as soon as it is over they avoid their prayers or they pray so fast without concentrating or dedicating to Allah. And when they do any good deed, they make it a show of their act of goodness, devotion and charity. But they fail if you test them with small neighborly help. All their acts are hollow and all these are due to what you know? Because they do not believe that there is going to be A Day of Account where True Judgment will be done by the Supreme Allah.

The Summary is taken from the Book "The Pearls Of Wisdom" by Mrs. Badria Kazim (May Allah shower Blessings And Mercy upon Her)

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah


Explanation of Surah No 106 of Quran Quraish (The Custodian of Kaba)

Explanation of Surah No 106 of Quran Quraish (The Custodian of Kaba)

                In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This is an early Meccan Surah as a pendent to the Surah Al-Fil.

First of all let us know the history about Quraish. The Tribe of Quraish was from Hijaz and the people were very poor. Then Qussa, who was the forefather of Prophet (PBUH), gathered them in Mecca and made it a state. Thus they took over the charge of Kaba started taking good care of Kaba and the Pilgrims. So they were well honoured for their service. After Manaf and Abduddar. Abd Manaf was very popular thus he became the leader. He had four sons, Hashim, Abd Shams, Muttalib and Noafal.

Hashim who was the great grandfather of Holy Prophet (PBUH) got the idea of doing business trade with Eastern countries as well as Egypt and Syria. That time Iran took over the international trade between Eastern countries and the Roman Estate thus, closing the doors of business on Romans. This way the roads which were going Southern Arabia to Syria and Egypt side by side of the coast of Red Sea became very popular and rich in trade. Thus the trade caravans of Quraish could travel freely doing their trade without any fear of anyone robbing them or attacking them. Besides being the care taker of Kaba and pilgrims everyone had great respect for them. The other tribes also did not charge them any tax for crossing their territories. Having all these privileges, these four sons of Abd Manaf created good business relations with Syria, Abyssinia, Yemen, Iraq and Persia. Thus they became very rich and well known merchants in Arabia. And Mecca became the center of trade and commerce, thus other tribe became rich, well experienced businessmen and educated that other tribe in Arabia could compete them.

The people of Quraish were advancing in their wealth and trade when Abraha came to destroy Kaba and take over Mecca. But by the Grace of Allah, Abraha and his great force miraculously got destroyed. Therefore as said in previous Sura, the Arabs for next few years worshipped Allah Alone and they had great faith that Kaba is House of Allah.

As it is said before that there were no peace in Arab world especially at nights due to robbing and looting. But none would dare touch or loot the Quraish Caravans. So with the grace of Allah they had peace. Also Allah made the city of Mecca as nonviolated city due to the pilgrimage and they did not suffer the danger of constant war fare. So they could perform their religious rites peacefully.


Therefore Allah blessed the Quraish with triple advantages 1) They had commanding influences on other tribes and were well respected. 2) Their central position fascilated their trade made them very rich without any danger of looting. 3)  Mecca being nonviolated city, they got a second position free from danger. Not only that they were blessed most for a great Prophet (PBUH) belonged to this tribe. Therefore Allah says that giving all Blessings and Grace by their Lord Alone and they know very well that their made gods cannot help or protect them, so they should really worship One True God and not associate their falsehood with Him. And in return for all these Blessings they should obey their Lord and His Messenger (PBUH).

The Summary is taken from the Book "The Pearls Of Wisdom" by Mrs. Badria Kazim (May Allah shower Blessings And Mercy upon Her)

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah