Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Explanation of Surah No 109 of Quran Al- Kafirun (The Disbelivers)

Explanation of Surah No 109 of Quran Al- Kafirun (The Disbelivers)

                In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This is an Early Meccan Surah. It defines the right attitude to those who rejects Faith, in matters of Truth we can make no compromise.

In the early days of the Mission of the Prophet (PBUH) when he started inviting the Meccan Pagans to accept the True Faith, i.e. the Message of the Lord of the Universe, to worship One True God Only and cancelling their false gods, so there arose a chaos and bitterness against the Prophet and His Message of Faith. But the Quraish chiefs had still hope that they could compromise with the Prophet (PBUH). They suggested to him that they could give Him plenty wealth or they could give Him the honour and accept Him as their chief for the reason that he should leave their gods alone and not to interfere in their ancestral worships. They also suggested that One year the Prophet (PBUH) should worship their gods and the next year they will worship His One True God. In the tradition it says that on these suggestions the Prophet (PBUH) replied to them that He would see what His Lord gives Him the order. Thus this Surah was revealed to give them the warrant against their Pagan worship and disconnect their ancestral ways of worship from the worship of One True God.

In this Surah Allah tells His Messenger (PBUH) to give His Message to all the disbelievers including the Christians and Jews who reject His Messenger Mohammad (PBUH) and His Holy Book of Quran. In the tradition, Messenger advised the Believers to read this Surah at bed time since this will disconnect you from all the false worships.

The Pagan’s Ancestral worship was not only one kind but worship of different deities such as Sun, Moon, Stars, idols of gods and goddesses in human or animal forms, human spirits, the pious dead Reverends and their graves. This meant that they gave the Attributes of Allah to their falsehood and makes Allah’s own Creation His partners. In different time and age these ways of worships varied, such as different disbelievers follow different worship. It has never been one kind of worship that all the disbelievers followed. Even today same is in practice. For symbolic idols may be instruments for safe guarding the privileges of selfish priest and their ambition, greed or lust of private individuals. In comparison all the Believers follow One way of worshipping One True God Only, which is the True worship that Islam teaches us.


 Here Allah gives order to His Messenger (PBUH) to tell these Pagans that I worship only One True God, the Lord of all, of you as well as mine and I have firm believe that no one shares in His Realm. But you on account of vested interest have not the will to give up your false worships which are wrong and has no value.


Allah says to His Messenger (PBUH) to tell them that I having been given the Truth and cannot at all come to your false ways, you having your vested interest, will not give them up therefore the responsibility is yours, since I have already shown you the Right way. And for my way, the responsibility is mine. You will not succeed to ask me to give up my way of worship. Our consequences are different as well when we see the Reality on The Final Day. Your persecution will be in vain. The Truth must lead in the end. So hold fast to the Truth to be successful in both the worlds.

The Summary is taken from the Book "The Pearls Of Wisdom" by Mrs. Badria Kazim (May Allah shower Blessings And Mercy upon Her)

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah forgive all our minor and major sins and get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah

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