Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Explanation of Surah No 84 of Quran AL-INSHIQAQ (The Splitting Asunder)

Explanation of Surah No 84 of Quran AL-INSHIQAQ (The Splitting Asunder)

                    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This is an early Meccan Surah. The Meccan Pagans were strictly against the Mission of Prophet Mohammad (Peace And Blessings Upon Him) rejecting the Faith and mocking the Rise after Death and the Day of Judgment its rewards and punishments which lead them in the darkness of evil.

In the beginning Allah explains the passing away of this world to make a way for a New World of Reality indicated by two facts. First is the heavens which is a matter will split a sunder. They remain so long as Allah dissolution, they will obey their Lord and vanish and all their mysteries will be emptied out. Second the Earth, which is a globe, enclosing within it many secrets will stretch out by flying away the mountains, buildings etc and will throw up by His command and bodies of many generations buried in its soil to obey its Lord. And the men will be resurrected.

Then Allah says that the people will be divided according to their deeds. The lot who were given their Books of Record into their Right hand will be the fortunate ones, who strived hard in their worldly stay and gave the sacrifices of the worldly lusts and were Righteous Believers. So they will get the best possible Rewards and many more their Lord. But the lot who rejected the Truth will get their Lord. But the lot who rejected the Truth will get their Books in their left hand. In fact they will take their Books with shame from behind their backs. These are the ones who strived to please themselves to achieve their lusts and desires of this world. They had no fear of their Lord. In fact they were lost in the whims of their present world and thought that there is no catch on them.  They were too busy to get the best of the world for themselves and their families even if they had to break any Allah’s Bound by many crook ways. So now they will be in the agony of Blazing Fire crying for death to end their miseries and torments. They never believed that they will be resurrected and will have to give their accounts. But Alas! There is no death anymore for them but the taste of Fire forever.

Then Allah vows to say that nothing is permanent in this life by giving examples of sun which shines and the people worshipped it which is not even permanent, which vanishes with the twilight. Then the Night comes and darkness follows, then the moon appears and stage by stage grows and then decline, same way the man travels stage by stage and his life is not permanent. That is he has to return to his goal to answer for his deeds.

Therefore Allah says as what is wrong with him that he does not pay any attention to his Lord and prostrate out of respect and humble gratitude to his Lord. But rejects the Big Day thinking he is responsible and can do what he likes which really is the core of every evil. So give him the painful news of agonizing Blazing Fire if he does not repent.

And to those who are Believers and Righteous, give them the good News of the Best Reward of the everlasting Bliss of Paradise. 

The Summary is taken from the Book "The Pearls Of Wisdom" by Mrs. Badria Kazim (May Allah shower Blessings And Mercy upon Her)

May Allah Subhanahu Wa ta'ala Have Mercy & Blessings upon Me & whole Ummah to get a place in Jannatul Firdaus

Mr. Liyakat Shah


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